They were at my door again.

by Undecided 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    I was doing a little painting at the back of my house and I heard car doors slam. I peeked around the corner and there the elders were again. I just keep on what I was doing and I heard the doors slam again and off they went. I just didn't feel like talking to them again.

    Ken P.


    Hey Ken,good for you.You`ve heard it all before anyway..How are you and the family? Well I hope..Don`t forget to give us an update on the grandkids..My best to you and your family...OUTLAW

  • simplesally

    I have decided that if JW's come to our door, they won't know who we are because we moved about 30 miles away, that I won't identify myself, just say something like, "Oh its the pedophile people, sorry, not interested in sacrificing my daughter."

  • BadJerry

    You just have to do what you have to. They think they are so righteous it's sometimes not worth getting your blood pressure up over trying to make them take that veil off. They were at my door about a month ago, ( I still can't believe they didn't know it was my house because the driver had helped us put in some of the electrical ) I also didn't feel like talking ( it sort of depends on who it is ) I mailed the WT and AW back with on it.

    ps. this was edited to say this is posted from IMANALIENTO, can't log on yet

  • slipnslidemaster

    Oh honestly, I think it's the rudest thing that they can't call and ask to set up a time to meet with you instead of just dropping by.

    My BEST friend in the entire world calls first before just "dropping by".

    Why did we tolerate such crap for so long??????? God.

  • gsx1138

    They don't need to call. They are your Elders and you should show them the proper respect.


    Respect is earned,not demanded. WBTS has earned nothing but contempt,along with the people who support that corrupt organization...OUTLAW

  • avishai

    Painting, huh? One tactic I've seen work in the past is " Im very busy, if you pick up a brush & gimme a hand, I'll talk to ya while we work. They'll refuse, don't wanna get paint on their nice suits, dontcha know, + it's beneath them.

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    I have decided that the next JW at my door will definitely get the hint. I'll take the mags and then ask for more. While they stand at the door I'll toss most of them behind me so that they can't get them back and then I'll rip one in half. "I can really use these in my fireplace!"

    Fire Dragon

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