What is the situation with JW missionaries now? Wasn't there a change in the last few years? Weren't they told they would have to live with locals or something like that? Are any more being sent out? Does Gilead still exist? Are any being laid off as are some special pioneers?
What about JW missionaries?
by Magnum 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Does Gilead still exist?
It's my understanding that there is no more the sending out of missionaries. Now replaced by the school for singles, couples, and anybody else that will sign their life away for free. No stipends from WTS anymore.
I bet you will see the missionaries come home next. Their families will end up supporting most of these ones. I no longer believe the congregation can or will do this. They have tapped the congregations dry and pissed most off. The only way these pissed off ones can have a voice is stop donating. The kool aid drinking ubers are too broke to donate because the majority have no education and have been worshiping a man made organization. WT has shot themselves in the foot and karma is biting them in the a**. Now we can enjoy our weekend!
Missionaries are picked and so are Gilead school attendees. These ones have to be self sufficient and they must pay their own way and all their expenses. Gilead members are being assigned back into their own countries and in inner cities or a nearby congregations, again they will have to pay their own way. The Borg is no longer going to pay for such a useless endeavor.