I have to wonder...while the living word of the Bible says that faith is being sure and certain of things UNseen, the WTS relies so heavily and is so successful promoting the "earthly-visible org". Any thoughts itching ears?
Unsure and Uncertain faith...
by Gig 4 Replies latest jw friends
It's almost ironic how often they quote the scripture about "walking by faith, not by sight," when their faith is focused primarily on a visible organization!
If you don't think that's true, ask yourself what would happen if the practice of disfellowshipping, for sexual offenses, say, was ever suspended for 24 hours. I think you'd have orgy central among the JW's. Bible principles - the law of the "unseen" - wouldn't make a bit of difference. Their conduct is controlled by the laws of the "seen". They fear the organization, not God.
Interesting question Gig!!!
I have said to my JW family members, whenever they mentioned that I need "faith in Jehovah". I've always said read where the Bible gives the explanation and when you can explain it to me, then we'll talk.
I'm still waiting............... Brad
The Organization use twisted logic. They talk about putting Faith in Jehovah, but point at themselves as they say it. It is not unlike a preacher stating his opinion while holding up the Bible, or pointing to it as if to say, "I got this idea from the Bible". The Society stand in front of the RF and act like they have God's ear. Hell, they claim it! They infer that proof of your faith and loyality in God is shown in how well you listen to them and do their bidding. Maverick
The Organization use twisted logic. They talk about putting Faith in Jehovah, but point at themselves as they say it. It is not unlike a preacher stating his opinion while holding up the Bible, or pointing to it as if to say, "I got this idea from the Bible". The Society stand in front of the RF and act like they have God's ear. Hell, they claim it! They infer that proof of your faith and loyality in God is shown in how well you listen to them and do their bidding. Maverick