Another Dumb "Awake" (6/08/01)

by metatron 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Yes, another dumb, deceptive, biased "Awake" magazine.

    On the subjects of health and aging, the Awake is becoming
    more and more desperate. Science is threatening to create miracles
    that would make the Watchtower message irrelevant and obsolete.
    The gnarled old theocrats can't stand that!
    Here's some silly quotes:

    "... not everyone is convinced that gene therapy offers the "silver
    bullet" cure of the future. Indeed, according to surveys, people
    may not even want to have their genetic makeup analyzed"

    If genetic therapy proves successful, the FEAR of knowing what's
    wrong with your genetic makeup would go away because cures would
    then exist for whatever defect was found!

    The Awake (pg. 8) laments a perceived cycle of enthusiasm and
    disappointment over promised cures. Nonetheless, cures for
    countless diseases plainly exist, no matter what false starts
    took place. Maybe we should respect an authority like the
    Watchtower Society when it warns about cycles of enthusiasm
    and disappointment since they've been experts on doing exactly
    that for 120 years.

    As to living to be 100, the Awake quotes "How and Why We Age"
    as saying "These centenarians would not be immortal. But what
    would they die from? They would simply become weaker and weaker
    until death occurred".
    This kind of dated quote galls me. Take a good look at the
    anti-aging research and you will quickly see that "weaker and
    weaker" is NOT where the research is leading. By preventing
    or reversing the aging process, vibrant life is a reasonable goal.
    (New England Journal of Medicine July 5, 1990 see also Grow Young
    With HGH by Dr. Ronald Klatz).

    And as to the latest breakthrough....
    Reuters News announced that scientists used a new genetic therapy
    to reverse a form of blindness in dogs. (Human tests will follow).
    Some of the researchers were ecstatic about it. "Genetic medicine
    is now making things we could only dream of -- a reality."

    I love it that events are moving so quickly that WTS propaganda
    is almost obsolete by the time it gets received in the mail.


  • Gopher


    Thanks for the post. Good takes on the most recent theo-propaganda.

    You have to love some of their wording. "Not everyone is convinced" about gene therapy. Since when does an idea's popularity have anything to do with its trueness or usefulness? Later developments often change people's minds anyhow.

    Another quote "These centenarians.... WOULD SIMPLY become weaker...". If the Awake science writers say something is simple, they probably want you to look past something really good.

    I guess we're just supposed to wait around for "the Kingdom" to do everything for us. LOL Forget about "God helping those who help themselves".


  • openminded

    I couldnt help but notice that if you changed that 1st sentence to-- not everyone is convinced that the governing body is offering "the truth" about Gods kingdom. Indeed according to surveys, people dont even want JW's knocking at their door at 10:00am on Saturday morning.

  • Lindy

    "The Awake (pg. 8) laments a perceived cycle of enthusiasm and
    disappointment over promised cures."

    Yet, is this not what the WTBTS has been preaching for over a hundred years? "Cures for mankind"? And has not each "cycle of enthusiasm" been followed by great disappointments over "promised cures" that this system will "soon end" and our "woes" will be over. What a joke that they condemn others for what they themselves practice daily!

  • cosmicmystic

    Thanks for sharing some genuine and good insights about the limited, cerebral conclusions consistently reached by the Society. You've done everyone a favor by pointing this out and you should know that we are all grateful. I think that, like you, I celebrate the genuine, positive progress of the biomedical arts and sciences. For the future, especially with gene therapy and molecular biology the sky is not the limit, its just the lauchpad.


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