Most will know I still attend the meetings, for "family reasons". I can barely sing the Kingdom songs anymore. I find myself changing the words to more appropriate ones, trying to do it in the ear shot of my wife!
We've had caption contests on here, what about change a Kingdom song Contest?
If you want to be reminded of how it goes!....
Song 42
“This Is the Way”
(Isaiah 30:20, 21)
1. God’s voice keeps on calling; O walk in the way,
The way that Jehovah has shown us today.
He has a fine channel that’s surely unique,
And through it he chooses to warn and to speak.
This is the way in which to walk.
O do not wait! O do not balk!
With our own ears, we hear the call so crystal clear.
About it we should ever talk.
God’s spirit will help us to walk straight ahead.
In tracks of uprightness we do well to tread.
2. The word from behind us, how pleasant its tone,
For our Grand Instructor has made his way known.
We hear with discernment and listen with care.
Of taking false steps we now want to beware.
Walk in God’s way of truth and light,
The way of holiness so bright.
Our eyes of faith do see that soon true peace there’ll be,
For Christ now reigns with Kingdom might.
No right or left turning we dare ever take,
But walking in God’s way, advancement we’ll make.
3. The way of Jehovah we need to expound
To those who will listen the wide world around.
Like doves to their dovecotes, those hearing now flock
And come to the true God, their Refuge, their Rock.
Jehovah’s way is one of peace.
From Satan’s world He gives release.
In paths of righteousness and ways of pleasantness,
He leads to life that will not cease.
We lift up our heads, then, and quicken the pace,
With eyes on the Kingdom, our true resting-place.
qwerty (Sorry for bringing back any bad memories!)