Can any of you remember where about's the scripture is that says that there's 2 types of christians (it destroys the WT belief that there was only anointed in the 1st Century AD). I know its somewhere in one of Paul's letters.
I can't find this scripture.....
by TheApostleAK 7 Replies latest jw friends
Hey ApostleAK,
Long time no see!!
Here's the scriptures you wanted:
1 Corinthians 1:2
"to the congregation (church) of God that is IN Corinth, .... called to be holy ones ('anointed' as they teach) together with all who everywhere are calling upon the name of our Lord ...."
Ephesians 1:1
"to the holy ones who are in Ephesus and faithful ones in union with Christ Jesus...."
Philippians 1:1
"to all the holy ones in union with Christ who are in Philippi, ALONG WITH overseers and ministers:"
Colossians 1:2
"to the holy ones AND faithful brothers in union with Christ Jesus...."
May you have peace!
Aaron -
Ephesians 1:1 is a cock up cos the society added "in Ephesus". Get the first couple of editions of the NWT (Pre 1961) and see what I mean.
I remember it was toward the end of one of his letters either 2nd to last chapter or last.
I have just checked my NIV and u=it says Ephesus as well.
Sad part is that when you read them in the original and understand koine grammar you can see that it is
not referring to two 'classes'.Here Paul is addressing those in Corinth and also those living eslewhere
1 Corinthians 1:2
"to the congregation (church) of God that is IN Corinth, .... called to be holy ones ('anointed' as they teach)
together with all who everywhere are calling upon the name of our Lord ...When 'and or kai' joins together two nouns then the nouns refer to the same person or thing.
Ephesians 1:1
"to the holy ones who are in Ephesus and faithful ones in union with Christ Jesus...."[/b
Colossians 1:2
"to the holy ones AND faithful brothers in union with Christ Jesus....""Along With" here is 'including", especially including ....... Paul was emphasizing that point
Philippians 1:1
"to all the holy ones in union with Christ who are in Philippi, [b]ALONG WITH overseers and
ministers:"'tis a pity they don't learn to be faithful in translating
I thought there was only one type of true christian, I dont see more than one type from those verses.
Typical evil WTS twisting of scriptures and applying them somehow to something so obscure and ridiculous.
May you all have peace!
The word 'christian' means 'of christ'. 'Christ' means 'chosen' or 'anointed'. Thus, a 'christian' is one who is 'chosen' or 'anointed' or 'of christ'. A 'messiah', which in Hebrew <i>means</i> 'chosen' or 'anointed'. 'Christ' is the English rendering of the word 'cristos', which is Greek.
In the openings of the letters referred to by kes152, there is not a distinction between 'christians', but there are two (2) classes. ALL of these were 'christians'; however, SOME were ISRAELITE 'christians' (the 'little flock'), and some were 'of the NATIONS'... the 'other sheep'. But they were all 'one flock'... 'christians'... by means of an anointing with holy spirit.
The 'little flock', FLESHLY Israel who accept the Christ as 'messiah' (and called 'little' because there were only a few in comparison to the number of 'the nations' that would come in), are the HOLY ones, the 144,000 who are taken 'from among the sons of ISRAEL', 12,000 from each TRIBE (of Israel), excluding Dan (Joseph, who received TWO shares, got Dan's). They are called 'holy ones', because they are Abraham's seed.
The 'great CROWD' are those 'christians', anointed by holy spirit and adopted as sons by God, who are taken from EVERY 'nation, tribe, tongue and people', including some of fleshly Israel who are not counted in the first group. Together WITH those of Israel, they become 'a nation of kings and priests.'
<B>Revelation 5:9, 10</B>
That is one of the 'sacred secrets' that prompted the choosing of Paul as an apostle 'TO THE NATIONS', unlike the 12... who were apostles SOLELY to Israel. The 12 were sent ONLY to Israel: first to the Jews, the 2-tribe kingdom Judah, made up of Judah and Benjamin; THEN to the other 10-tribes, the kingdom of Israel... the SAMARITANS... who were formerly UNCLEAN by reason of apostasy and leaving off worship at the temple in Jerusalem (which is why Peter was shown the sheet and told to 'eat'), and which included Cornelius (a <i>Samaritan</i> from the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel, who was an officer in the Roman army) and his household.
There is only ONE 'body', dear ones. ONE hope, ONE baptism, ONE spirit, ONE God, who is Father over ALL of them... and ONE Lord, who we sometimes refer to as 'Christ'. Yet, there is only ONE 'christ': my Lord, who makes up the HEAD of that 'entity', the 'child' of God and His 'woman', Jerusalem Above... and we who make up the BODY of that 'child'... the Body of 'Christ'. He is our 'husbandly owner' and we are his 'wife'. Thus, as man and woman become one flesh, we become... one spirit.
I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,