Page 8 - para 10
The book states that "Jesus Christ occupies an elevated position in the heavens, and much authority has been given to him." The paragraph goes on to reference Ephesians 1:22 (Jesus is "head over all things with regard to the congregation") and Philippians 2:9-11 ("God exalted him to a superior position...). The authors of this revised text avoid mention of Jesus' revelation in Matthew 28:18 namely, that "All authority has been given me in heaven and on earth". That this is diluted to "much authority" in the text is truly eggregious. The Bible explains that we honour God by honouring his Son... "For the Father judges no one at all, but he has entrusted all the judging to the Son, so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him." John 5:22,23Thus, how does it honour Jesus to assert that he has been given "much authority" rather than "All authority... in heaven and on earth"?
Page 13 - para 5
The 2005 edition of the Organized book did not allude to elders' decisions being the result of Jesus having given direction to them. Rather, it stated on page 36 - "Spiritually qualified men would give evidence in their life that they are directed by holy spirit. They would be producing the fruitage of the spirit....". This is quite different in that the text is saying that Christians are doing their best to ensure that their life, decisions, treatment of others etc, is convergent with the teachings of Christ. Well that's how I see it anyway.
I can't bear reading any more of it for the time being - thoroughly inaccurate material so far and I've only read up to chapter 3 and critiqued it rather sparingly. Yet, before I finished reading for the day, I couldn't help but look up "lie" in the Insight volume and discovered this very pertinent information..."Jehovah God allows 'an operation of error' to go to persons who prefer falsehood 'that they may get to believing the lie' rather than the good news about Jesus Christ. (2Th 2:9-12)." Of course, the citation of 2 Th 2:9-12 in the Insight volume is a reference to the man of lawlessness. How ironic! Yes indeed, it seems like the Governing Body and their affiliates really are "believing the lie"! Perhaps Almighty God is allowing that "operation of error" to go to the GB and its writing committee!