Thank you, Mommie Dark (and Pam)!
A little history may be in order here. My son threatened his older sister at knife point one day about 2 years ago after school while I was on my way home from work. He was SO out of control it was frightening. He had had another episode a few weeks before, and the GP had suggested I take him to the hospital to the outpatient psych team there. I had no idea when I went to the hospital that they would make me go to emergency first to overrule any physical causes for his outrageous behavior (Including drug abuse). This freaked him out even more because he is afraid of needles and they wanted blood.
So it was NOT a happy situation. The PERC counsellor then interviewed us and recommended he be admitted to a local lock-up facility. I agreed, but when I got there it was a holiday weekend and two rational and one irrational things made me change my mind. Firstly, there was no actual psychiatrist on the premises at the time of admittance to make an evaluation and to whom I could speak and if I signed my son in he'd be there for a minimum of 48 hours and longer if the staff felt it necessary. Secondly, even though my son had agreed that he needed help, nobody would let us go behind the locked doors to see where he would be staying, what the facility was like, etc. And thirdly, I didn't want to leave my 10 year old baby, who by now was fearful because of the lack of forthrightness, somewhere on Friday night where I wouldn't be able to see him until Sunday PM and then only for 1/2 hour. The regular staff was on holiday and he'd be in until Tuesday at least. There would be no plan, no program, etc.
Plus that "stigma" which I know in my mind I shouldn't feel, but having felt shame for my mother's and sister's nervous breakdowns when I was younger, I was not wanting more of that awful feeling myself. (Selfish, I know.)
Matt calmed down, finished the school year, and I brought him to a psychiatrist. It's true he didn't do much in the way of any evaluations, but he did interview me & my husband, as well as Matt, and since some of what I described as his "symptoms" -- sometimes he DID experience panic attacks, I'm sure of it -- and my family's history, Paxil was prescribed.
Matt did/does much better on the Paxil. If he misses a dose it is immediately apparent by the change in mood by all of us (except, perhaps his Dad).
Of course, he needed counseling, too. I felt he needed a man, because he's outnumbered here 3-1 sibling-wise, and Dad was NOT reinforcing his need for help. Reluctantly cooperating, that's all.
So I got a referral and this guy DID do a battery of psychological tests and questionnaires for us and his teacher. But, as you know, finding the right therapist can be tricky and while I was happy with him (he agreed to read "The Explosive Child" and wound up buying his own copy), Matt didn't care for him too much. And the guy himself never told me that the diagnosis was ODD. I had to ask Matt's psychiatrist what the psychologist had reported, exactly. THAT's when he, who previously thought anxiety disorder/depression told me that he diagnosis was Oppositional Defiance Disorder.
As I said, Matt didn't like the psychologist, and frankly, I was still in denial myself. I admire Pam for her courage in facing facts immediately and going to work to get her son help. I think I've been sending mixed signals. Perhaps, like my husband, I just don't want it to be true. But I know it is. And I know Matt needs help. As do the girls.
I took him to another psychologist and he really, REALLY did not want to go to therapy. I got him into the car, but when we got there, he refused to get out and come inside. Finally, I left him in the car and said I was keeping the appt. even if he wasn't. He made his way inside sometime after I was filling out paperwork. Of course, he had left the car door open and was amazed when I said I didn't care, I wasn't going back out to close it and that he would now accompany me.
He did. We liked this guy better. This center where he works is affiliated with a hospital and there is group counseling available as well. I'm signing off here in a few minutes and calling to set up our next appt. (We see the psychiatrist again this PM.)
NO neurological tests have been done, however. But I am on the phone right now with my neurosurgeon seeking a recommendation! (You've both got me moving and thinking, thank you very much!)
MommieD -- do you know what the first line drugs are for treating these disorders? My cousin's ODD daughter -- who is in kid jail (not County Juvenile detention but state kid jail) -- is taking Tegretol with amazing results thus far. (Oh, I know the woes of kids messing up over and over again. My single-parent sister sent my out-of-control-nephew to a group home because she couldn't control him. After she died, I was left to deal with the young adult model, as I was trustee of a five-year trust, and it was just awful. No conscience and everything is everybody else's fault! So far, I'm not there. But Matt got into fisticuffs with not one, but TWO teammates on Tuesday, so that's scary.)
I absolutely HATE what Matt's disability has done to the family dynamics. I am often depressed about that myself. I always wanted to be the cool mom whose house the teens felt good about congregating at, and now my 17 year old doesn't want to bring her boyfriend here because her brother's a "psycho"! We tried family counseling for about a month or so, and I was the only one who thought it valuable.
But if I nag enough, I suppose everyone would return.
Thanks for the insight on ADHD, too. Because that seems to me a real possibility the more I observe my son.
Yes, I may need all the things Pam has -- a therapist for Matt, a therapist for ME, a family therapist, and group peer counseling for Matt.
How wonderful you both were to take the time to post such long and well thought out replies!
I'm sure I've been rambling, but I haven't even time to edit. Kids will be home soon, and I've got that psychiatrist appt. after school.
I feel like I've been given a pep talk (AND a gentle prod)!
Thanks again.