How can they justify keeping yr details if you refuse to sign?

by purrpurr 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • purrpurr

    I've just been watching theleaked videos that Fay dehr has provided, they really scared me and I can't understand how legally they can justify keeping contact det ails for people who refuse to sign their new data form? Surely the law states that they must destroy the data if the person refuses to sign?

    Also I'd like to look at their data form and the terms and conditions (the small print) that comes with it, where can I find this?

  • nowwhat?

    A lot to process here. Is this data release. Details stuff going on the united states or just European countries

  • careful

    Likely a bit foolish since their keeping data against someone's wishes could serve as fodder for more lawsuits down the line, but then one thing the GB has shown about themselves: they don't usually give heavy consideration to Prov. 22:3.

    BTW, leaked letters/memoranda show that this policy is NOT just for the EU. That list provided by Atlantis shows the policy is for many countries in Asia, Africa, South and Central America. Conspicuous by their absence in the list, however, are the USA and Canada.

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