Saddam is toppled - Iriqis cheering in streets

by Elsewhere 7 Replies latest social current

  • Elsewhere
  • Elsewhere
  • heathen

    yes I saw this on the news . Pretty funny how some of them where sitting on the head of the statue and other where dragging them down main street bahgdad. It would kill me if they put a george bush statue up next .

  • teenyuck
    It would kill me if they put a george bush statue up next .

    Gee, I am pretty sure you are safe and we won't be mourning your death.

    Though, I am sure he had a bronze cast made. I am sure all his advisors told him the best way to prove America was not there to stay was to put up a huge statue of himself. I hear he is doing that in Columbus, Ohio. I cannot wait. We will have our own brutal dictator!

    When Iraqi's were showed on live TV holding signs that said "Go Home Human Shields", I laughed.

  • dubla

    the iraqis arent really cheering, its all propaganda and lies........the truth is they wanted saddam to stay, and they all hate the fact that we are removing him from power and forcing this awful, horrible democracy on them.


  • DJ


    Makes you feel sorta warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? There are some noble causes through the evil American government. i wonder what the dubs think? I suppose that they think the Iraqi's should have just waited on Jehovah instead of hurrying it along. Why can't they see that it is a good thing to help others? Never mind, don't answer that.......I already know, it is Satan appearing as an angel of light, right?

    p.s. elsewhere, you spell it Iraqi's not Iriqi' made them sound like

  • Elsewhere
    When Iraqi's were showed on live TV holding signs that said "Go Home Human Shields", I laughed.

    LMAO!!! YES! I saw that too! This morning while getting ready for work, there it was, live on the news.

    It was a HUGH sign being held by several Iraqis so the "human shields" in the nearby buildings could see it.

    It is just a matter of time before we see Iraqis telling off the "human shields" for hindering their liberation.

    At work, I was able to watch the toppling of that statue of Saddam live via streaming video. It was great! I even had a former Bosnian soldier sitting next to me watching... he had fought in that war and was able to come to America after. It was very poetic.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Weren't "some brothers" predicting that this war would lead directly into Armageddon - again?


    Reality: 100,000,000,000+

    Watchtower prophecy: ZERO

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