When I was at Bethel I recall one chilly October day that there was an Apostate march in Brooklyn Heights. I recall many signs with the dates 1799, 1874, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975 all crossed out and also people telling us that their children have no grandparents because they treat them as though they dont exist (the parents are DF or DA I suppose). We were warned not to speak to any of them or greet any of them from the breakfast table. I also vaugely remember one "Apostate" following Ted Jaracz down Columbia Hts. St. yelling at him. Anyway my question have any of you ever protested in Brooklyn? Any of you ex bethelites ever witness one of these protests? Do "Apostates" still go to Brooklyn and protest?
Apostate Protests
by XBEHERE 2 Replies latest jw friends
I know they used to have Bethel protests every October in connection with the Witnesses Now For Jesus conventions held in PA. At least that was true during the early years of that conference. They had stopped having the protests by the time I started going to WNFJ in 2000, so I never got to go to one.
I'm curious. Did that protest make you question or did it just make you feel stronger about being in the troof when you saw all of that so-called persecution? Goshhhh, I even hate the word 'so-called' too. They have ruined a lot of words for me. grrr