For a prank perhaps somebody found a cart spot (busy one), and they set up a phony carts site and do things that will sure to get people to complain to the cart people when they take the spot again? I'm bored sorta and the idea just pop up and I thought about sending into internet hyperspace.
How About Phony Cart Work At Frequent Cart Spots?
by Brokeback Watchtower 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
I would imagine most busy places would require some sort of permit to setup 'shop'. -
If one is known to be an apostate by the local cong that uses the spot, then all you would have to do is sit or stand there. An apostate standing quietly in the vicinity would be enough to make most JWs uncomfortable enough to pack up their "little cart that couldn't." -
stan livedeath
it would be funny if two ex jw's were to hijack a cart. just stand next to it and say to any onlooker a few real truths about the watchtower. then see how long it takes for the real dubs to take it away. -
I would imagine most busy places would require some sort of permit to set up 'shop'
Not in the UK it you don't. You can just plonk those things anywhere as long as they are not blocking any kind of public access, path, fire exit, etc.
Just by an identical cart and fill it with anti-cult information, then roll on up beside them. What are they gonna do?? They will just go hide somewhere and count their time.
They have ready produced a "how-to" video on cart witnessing, so you know it's a problem.