does anyone know the names of the thirteen witness killed 9/11 at wtc?
by topanga 9 Replies latest jw experiences
It was announced at our hall that it was 6. It was right after so the number may have went up since then. That was the turning point for me. Every prayer, with the exception of one smart elder, was for the 6 witnesses and their families. I was like HELLO, does anyone realize this is screwed up? We are supposed to be christians, loving and non-judging and 3000+ people died and you only pray for 6? Bunch of Psychos. I don't know their names, sorry, they didn't announce that at the time.
The article "The day the TwinTowers collapsed" was in the January 1st 2002 edition of the Awake....... and if I remember right it was 13 witnesses amongst the thousands that perished that awful day.
Funny how they mention those 13 at the meetings...
ever wonder if any DFed or DAed witnesses died?