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by liquidsky 22 years ago 7 Replies latest 22 years ago jw friends
Sorry to waste space, but can you see this pic? or is it a red x?
i can see it.... ok so how do I post a pic for everone else to see?
No liquidsky all I see is (alt x).
well i see the top half of a picture - looks like a nice sunset with some tops of buildings -- the rest doesn't want to seem to come through.
is that because of me or you??
ahhh....now it is all there. a city skyline in sunset on water. where is it? i feel i should know but can't place it.
WOOHOO! Finally!
Its Waikiki! I took the pic from a dinner cruise on my vacation last Christmas. Lovely weather for December.
I see a big teddy bear and a candy cane...
Yes, I can see it, and I like it. Where is it ? Country Woman