For a spiritually tepid Witness:
So, every week, including reasonable travel times:
Monday: 2 hours book-study and preperation
Wednesday: 3 hours TMS/prep/etc.
Saturday: 2 hours service + 15 mins donut break + 1 service meeting/travel
Sunday: 1 hour study preperation + 2 hours meeting/prep/travel/gossiping afterwards
Also: 1 hour family study, and 15 mins*7 each day for daily text (yeah right), and 0-3 hours for reading magazines/preparing for service (call it 1.5 hours including time wasted feeling guilty about not doing it)
That's 15.5 hours per week for normal stuff => 806 hours/year
If you have a talk every 3 months- 4 per year. Approx. 5 hours preparing/delivering/rehearsing and tracking down Sister dead-beat (if a woman) => 20 hours/year
Conventions: Three days district convention, 2 days circuit assembly, 1 "special assembly" day (assume these days are all mostly wasted even if you don't spend 24 hours actually listening to babble). => 144 hours/year
Hall cleaning (not Fred): Most people get out of this. Maybe 2 hours/year.
CO and DO visits: 3 per year- figure meetings take a bit longer, probably shamed into going out for an extra couple hours o' service. => 12 hours/year
Congregation gatherings (including hospitality arrangements): Not all of this is mandatory, vary widely. Maybe 100 hours/year.
This is pretty bare minimum. No auxilary pioneering/remodeling projects/visiting Bethel speakers/getting to clean the stadium for conventions/having parts in the assmeblies.
Total: 1084 hours/year
If this were like a job (8 hours/day), it comes to 135.5 days, or approx 4.5 months. That's in another two weeks. Let's wish all our "in-for-the-family" board members happy "I'm working for me now day" on the 15th of this month.