Hey Ozzie!
I was raised Catholic, and don't remember hell being hung out over my head. In fact, I think most Catholics today are not as concerned by the prospect of hell as Protestants, as they have the Purgatory option available (nyaa nyaa na nyaa nyaa)... Also, though their theology paints God in very magnanimous tones, there are more places where this theology starts making God look like a sleepy guy who's probably afflicted with Alzheimers, and the meaning of Christ's death gets obscured...
I think that the Baptists is a branch of Christendom that believe that if a person died without knowing Jesus, they're going into eternity without the Lord (tho' I don't know if every sect of Baptists believe this). The result of this theology--that I've noticed-- is that the Baptists are very serious missionaries--and the fact that they really DO love people and DO love God make them nobler missionaries to me in many ways--even tho' I disagree with them on this point. The ones I know have a great attitude, and are actually quite inspiring. (I'm really not trying to pick on them here.)
I attend a Nazarene church at present, but my husband and I have been members of many denominations. One particular thing I like about the Nazarene church is that they don't think that folks get tossed into hell simply for the bad luck of being born at the wrong place and time. They quote Abraham's words to God when arguing for Sodom's fate, "Far be it from you to do such a thing--to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" Gen 18:25 Hell is still a serious subject, but we don't get threatened with frying in hell; instead, we just celebrate that we won't be frying due to the work of Christ.
Anyway, just to let you know that in my experience, I've never met a Catholic obsessed with hell like the dubs are obsessed with Armageddon. But maybe in Australia it's different? --? I'm in the US, on the "left coast".