Can anyone enlighten me as to how the GB got in the position they are today?? I'm not looking for a history lesson, but rather, what auditions did people have to under-go to prove they were 'annointed with the holy spirit' or whatever they call it. Why didn't more people leave with Ray Franz, he knew what he was talking about, I don't know why he hasn't nuked the remainders in Brooklyn!!!! Ahhhhhhh, wait there, yes, I do know........ HE'S A NICE PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unlike the gits who disfellowshipped him!!!!!!!!!
Any info. would be great.
Also, why dont the remaining GB realise they are wrong??? Have they managed to brainwash THEMSELVES????????
that postion was not assumed by reading the KamaSutra. . . though it is the proverbial fuckem-in-the-ass stance
as to the substance of annointing, i'd feel safer at a black mass, at least i see it coming.
in answer to your last question, its called a boys club they cant be wrong. half these buggers are senile and have their room and board covered and nowhere to go, would you leave to go pay rent and find a meal?
hate to be so crass but the 'truth' it's not, no pun
JW, I think I may have part of the answer. They did not leave out of fear.
Yes, these men who have spent their whole life in 'service to Jah' may have never collected a paycheck! They went straight away to Bethel, where they labored for free! In this country, most people depend on the Social Security system for their retirement funds. But in order to get it, you have to pay into it. The Federal government mandates a certain percentage out of every paycheck! But what if you get no paycheck?!?!?
Think about it. 60 years old and you have no retirement fund and no prospect of a real job, cause you've lived in a shell all your life. It took a lot of guts to leave.