If there was one thing I would wish to all of you it is success in your life adventure. I'll leave it to you to define what that means, but know I wish you success!
Have you ever applied for a loan for a home, car, or boat? Were you ever turned down? Ever wonder why some people get those fantastic credit card rates while others get screwed with the interest payments? All of this revolves around your FICO credit score. 720 is the score that will get you into most of the great rates that are offered. 850 is the holy grail of credit scores. There are actually Internet clubs that compare scores like...um... some other "members." www.myfico.com is the site where you can get a single report for $12.95. My score was 693. I know with a little shifting of my cards (or pay them off) I can get up to the 720 mark. This should allow me to get the best rates that my issuers offer.
Anyway, I hope that some of ya'all can find this useful.