Glass: Shooter 1) Layer Peach Schnapps, then Baileys. 2) Slowly dribble Blue Curaco over top so that it curtles around the Bailey's. 3) Drop Grenadine in different areas of the shooter glass so that it swirls around the already 'disgusting' mixture. Voila!
Mix and chill vodka and kool-aid. Crush blue popsicle and add to mixture. The crushed popsicle should settle at the bottom of drink, making it appear as a blue layer at the bottom and a red layer on top.
Glass: Shooter 1) Layer Peach Schnapps, then Bailey's. 2) Slowly dribble Blue Curacao over top so that it curdles around the Bailey's. 3) Drop Grenadine in different areas of the shooter glass so that it swirls around the already 'disgusting' mixture. Voila!
Smurf on the Rag
1/2 oz Peach schnapps
1/2 oz Blue Curacao
Top with Whipped cream and
4 or 5 drops Grenadine
Mixing instructions:
Mix Peach Schnapps and Blue Curacao in a shot glass and top with whipped cream and four or five drops of grenadine
Pour the gin, blue curacao and the tonic water into a highball glass half filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Garnish with the lime wedge. If you want, you can add the blue curacao after stiring the drink.