Questions about the Watchtower Society's Blood Policies:
First of all, let's see what the Bible (New World Translation) says about Blood:
God's Law to Noah:
Genesis 9:1: And God went on to bless Noah and his sons and to say to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth.
Genesis 9:2: And a fear of YOU and a terror of YOU will continue upon every living creature of the earth and upon every flying creature of the heavens, upon everything that goes moving on the ground, and upon all the fishes of the sea. Into YOUR hand they are now given.
Genesis 9:3: Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for YOU. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to YOU.
Genesis 9:4: Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat.
Genesis 9:5: And, besides that, YOUR blood of YOUR souls shall I ask back. From the hand of every living creature shall I ask it back; and from the hand of man, from the hand of each one who is his brother, shall I ask back the soul of man.
Genesis 9:6: Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God’s image he made man.
Genesis 9:7: And as for YOU men, be fruitful and become many, make the earth swarm with YOU and become many in it.”
God's Law in the Mosaic Law Covenant:
Leviticus 3:17: “‘It is a statute to time indefinite for YOUR generations, in all YOUR dwelling places: YOU must not eat any fat or any blood at all.’”
Leviticus 7:26: “‘And YOU must not eat any blood in any places where YOU dwell, whether that of fowl or that of beast.
Leviticus 7:27: Any soul who eats any blood, that soul must be cut off from his people.’”
Leviticus 17:10: “‘As for any man of the house of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set my face against the soul that is eating the blood, and I shall indeed cut him off from among his people.
Leviticus 17:11: For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have put it upon the altar for YOU to make atonement for YOUR souls, because it is the blood that makes atonement by the soul [in it].
Leviticus 17:12: That is why I have said to the sons of Israel: “No soul of YOU must eat blood and no alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst should eat blood.”
Leviticus 17:13: “‘As for any man of the sons of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst who in hunting catches a wild beast or a fowl that may be eaten, he must in that case pour its blood out and cover it with dust.
Leviticus 17:14: For the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood by the soul in it. Consequently I said to the sons of Israel: “YOU must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off.”
Leviticus 17:15: As for any soul that eats a body [already] dead or something torn by a wild beast, whether a native or an alien resident, he must in that case wash his garments and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening; and he must be clean.
Leviticus 17:16: But if he will not wash them and will not bathe his flesh, he must then answer for his error.’”
Leviticus 19:26: “‘YOU must eat nothing along with blood.
Deuteronomy 12:16: Only the blood YOU must not eat.
Deuteronomy 12:23: Simply be firmly resolved not to eat the blood, because the blood is the soul and you must not eat the soul with the flesh.
Deuteronomy 12:24: You must not eat it. You should pour it out upon the ground as water.
Deuteronomy 12:25: You must not eat it, in order that it may go well with you and your sons after you, because you will do what is right in Jehovah’s eyes.
Deuteronomy 15:23: Only its blood you must not eat. Upon the earth you should pour it out as water.
Blood in the New Testament:
Acts 15:19: Hence my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God,
Acts 15:20: but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood.
Acts 15:28: For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to YOU, except these necessary things,
Acts 15:29: to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these things, YOU will prosper. Good health to YOU!”
Let the Questions Begin:
1: According to the June 15th, 2000 Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to take Blood Fractions (except for the "big four components"). But, according to the October 15th, 2000 Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses would directly break God's Law on Blood if they store their own Blood, in order to either take Fractions out of it, or to put their own Blood back into their bodies during an operation. Also, according to that Article, Storing Blood is directly against God's Law, and using Stored Blood is also against God's Law. Then if that's true, the June 15th 2000 Article is wrong, because the June 15th 2000 Article says that Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to take Blood Fractions which are taken from large amounts of Stored Blood (in fact, other people's Stored Blood!).
2: Some Articles say that we can take Blood Fractions from Stored Blood, as long as it is other people's Stored Blood, but we cannot store our own Blood to use it. Why is this?
3: Some Articles say that it is against God's Law to use any part of Blood for "any useful purpose" after it has been removed from the body. Is this true? If it is true, it would mean that we cannot give food that contains Blood to our pets, and we cannot use fertilizer that contains Blood, and we cannot take Vaccinations (Shots) that contain parts of Blood. Are we allowed to give our pets food that contains Blood? Are we allowed to use fertilizer that contains Blood? Are we allowed to take Vaccinations (Shots) that contain Blood?
4: According to statements made by Watchtower Society Spokesmen in News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses are now allowed to accept Hemoglobin, HemoPure, and PolyHeme. Is this true? Hemoglobin makes up about 15% of a person's Blood. Some Articles say that Jehovah's Witnesses should not take Hemoglobin. Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to take Hemoglobin?
5: How does the Governing Body determine what is a "Major Component" of Blood, and what is a "Minor Fraction" of Blood?
The June 15th 2000 Watchtower said that Jehovah's Witnesses can accept Blood Fractions except for Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, and Plasma.
90% of Red Blood Cells is Hemoglobin. According to News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept Hemoglobin. So why are Red Blood Cells forbidden?
White Blood Cells make up less than 1% of Blood. There are hundreds of thousands of White Blood Cells in Milk. Why are White Blood Cells forbidden? Does this mean Jehovah's Witnesses cannot drink Milk? Or eat Cheese? Albumin makes up a larger percentage of Blood than White Blood Cells, and yet Albumin is allowed. Why? Hemoglobin makes up 15% of Blood, and I have heard that it is allowed, yet, White Blood Cells make up less than 1% of Blood, and they are forbidden. Why?
92% of Blood Plasma is Water, and the other 8% is Protein (mainly Albumin). Albumin is allowed, so why isn't Blood Plasma allowed? Is the Water forbidden? Or is the Water together with Albumin forbidden? Why? Blood Plasma contains absolutely NO Blood Cells. It is only Water and Protein (mainly Albumin).
Platelets make up about 5% of Blood and it is forbidden, but Hemoglobin makes up about 15% of Blood, and it is allowed. Why?
6: Some Articles say that Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept Hemodilution, Autologous, Homologous, or Blood Salvage Machines, but other Articles say that these are allowed. Which is true?
7: Some Articles say that Jehovah's Witnesses would break God's Law if they received Fractions of Blood for the purpose of "Saving Your Life" or for the purpose of "Nourishing the Body". Is this true? If so, how do I determine what "Nourishing the Body" means? Also, according to News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept Hemoglobin for the purpose of saving their lives. Is that true?
8: According to statements made by some Watchtower Society Spokesmen in News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses now have full freedom of whether or not to accept Blood Transfusions or other Blood products, with absolutely no discipline from the Congregation Elders. Is this true? Does this mean Jehovah's Witnesses will no longer be Disfellowshipped, Disassociated, or Reproved for accepting Blood Transfusions? If so, why did this change? One Watchtower Article said that people who receive Blood Transfusions and are not repentant should be Disfellowshipped in order for the Congregation to be free of Bloodguilt. Or, if those statements by the Watchtower Spokesmen are not true, why did the Spokesmen say so?
9: Can Jehovah's Witness Doctors or Nurses give Blood Transfusions to worldly people? If so, what are the Scriptural reasons for this?
10: Can Jehovah's Witnesses accept Tetanus Vaccinations (Shots)? The February 1st, 1997 Watchtower said that Tetanus Shots contain Horse Blood, and the Article made it sound like Jehovah's Witnesses should not take Tetanus Shots. Is this true?
11: Which of the following "Rules" or "Guidelines" are still in effect for Jehovah's Witnesses? (all of these "Rules" were mentioned in different Watchtower Publications):
"Rule" One) Jehovah's Witnesses are not supposed to use any parts of Blood for any "useful purpose" after it has been removed from the body, and Blood must be disposed of, it cannot be stored at all.
"Rule" Two) Jehovah's Witnesses can accept certain parts of Blood, if they are "only small fractions".
"Rule" Three) Jehovah's Witnesses can accept any parts of Blood, as long as they are not used to "Nourish the Body" or "Save Your Life".
"Rule" Four) Jehovah's Witnesses can accept all of the parts of Blood that naturally pass from the mother to the baby inside the womb.
"Rule" Five) Jehovah's Witnesses can accept any Blood Fractions except for Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, and Plasma.
12: I have read in different Watchtower Publications, and News Articles, that all of the following Blood Fractions and Components are now allowed, is true? (I have read other Watchtower Publications that say these are not allowed)
Hemoglobin, HemoPure, PolyHeme, Albumin, Factor VIII, Hemophiliac Preparations, Gamma Globulin, RH Immune Globulin, Globulin, Immunoglobulins, Globin Proteins, Interferons, Interleukins, Clotting Factors, Antibodies, Blood Plasma Proteins, Diptheria Toxin Antitoxin, Synthetic Hormone EPO (Erythropoietin), Vaccinations and Organ Transplants that contain Blood, Autologous Blood Transfusions (Auto Transfusions, where your own Blood flows through a tube to the Artificial Organ that pumps and filters or oxygenates it, and then it returns to the patient's circulatory system), and Hemodilution.
13: Can Jehovah's Witnesses donate their own Blood Fractions for someone else to use?
14: The May 15th 1984 Watchtower said that Jehovah's Witnesses could accept Bone Marrow Transplants even if the Bone Marrow has Blood inside. Is this true? If so, does that mean we can accept other Organ Transplants that contain Blood in the Organ? In News Articles, I have read that Jehovah's Witnesses have accepted Heart Transplants -- doesn't the Heart Organ contain Blood? The same Watchtower Article said that it was a "personal decision" on whether or not to accept Platelets or Red Blood Cells. Is this true?
15: What exactly is the definition of "Misuse of Blood"?
16: One Watchtower Article said that it was "up to your conscience" to take Blood, as long as it is only "a small amount". Would that not be the same as claiming that it is okay to do "a little bit of Fornication"? Also, exactly how much Blood would be "a small amount"?
17: Is it true that, if a Baptized Jehovah's Witness receives a Blood Transfusion, and is not repentant, the Congregation will be Bloodguilty if they do not Disfellowship him?
18: One Watchtower Article said that God's Law on Blood only applied to Dedicated Baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Is this true?
19: Are these parts of Blood allowed: Neutrohil, Monocyte, Lymphocyte, Eosinophil, or Basophil?
20: Which one of the following Watchtower Publications is correct?
Quotes from Awake!, May 22nd 1994 Issue, Pages 2-13:
Youths Who Put God First
In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue.
By rejecting blood transfusions that could conceivably have extended his present life
, Adrian Yeatts showed himself to be one of the many young people who put God first._____________________________________________
Quote from The Watchtower, December 1st 1998 Issue, Page 14:
Jehovah's Witnesses have been targets of false accusations--barefaced lies and twisted presentations of their beliefs... The accusation that numerous children of Jehovah's Witnesses die each year as a result of refusing blood transfusions is totally unfounded.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Telephone Numbers:
1-866-388-2222 (New Toll-Free Public Phone Number from their New TV Commercial) (Listed on Official Website)
718-560-5600 (Media Number) (Listed on Official Website)
718-560-5000 (Public Number) (Listed on Official Website)
845-306-1100 (Patterson, New York Number) (Listed on Official Website)
718-560-5101 (J.R. Brown, Watchtower's Main Spokesman) (Listed on Official Website)