This is not a good time to unnecessarily venture into crowds. Even if all you get is "just a cold". For instance, I could pick up coronavirus and get "just a cold" from it, or nothing. Then, someone else could pick it up and get very sick. And if I got it, or spread it, through something as stupid as going to church, it definitely is not worth it.
There are other ways to slow the spread. Coughing into your bare hands is absolutely the worst thing to do--a cough in the air (away from people) will go just so far, and that's it. In your hands, it can spread through dozens of surfaces. A cough in your elbow or a disposable tissue is better. Washing your hands with soap and water helps quite nicely, and is something I used to do when I was a dishwasher (to prevent spread of infections from dirty dishes to clean dishes). Staying away from places where people act like apes (and, from all the YouTube videos I have seen, Walmart comes to mind on this) also helps.
And not smoking. If you smoke, now is a good time to use this pandemic to quit. The smoke lowers your resistance, plus the smoke you emit lowers others' resistance even if you do not have the virus. Then, the person exposed to your smoke gets exposed to the virus, and what could have been quickly squelched becomes a full infection. All because someone just had to have that cancer stick.
If it isn't already too late, getting to the store before the crowds come is also a good idea. With the CDC declaring the pandemic, it might already be too late for that. Ordering things online might help (you still have to deal with delays due to demand issues). And, take your vitamins. Something so simple as starting 500 mg vitamin C and 4,000 IU vitamin D might throttle the virus if you get exposed. Other supplements that might throttle it include echinacea, elderberry syrup, oregano oil, schisandra berry powder, goldenseal, and astragalus. Taking some of these might throttle the virus enough for your immune system to take care of it. Then you do not become a case, you are not infectious or you are infectious for a shorter period, and it slows the progress of the whole pandemic.
And this goes for everyone, not just the elderly. Obviously, stupid exposure is not advised for anyone. Even if you are 20 years old, never had a cold, and are in perfect health, you could pick up coronavirus on your clothing and spread it to the supermarket next time if you go to these stupid religious events. And I can't think of a stupider event than this upcoming April 7 wastefest. Perfect recipe for trouble. The public, coronavirus and all, is invited. You are crammed into close quarters with others that may be carrying this thing (and field circus is a great way to pick it up). You are going to handle two items that might be carrying the virus by the time you touch it, and then there is another 5-10 minutes plus the crowds to shove through to get home before you can wash your hands with soap and water. Your suit will probably also carry the virus.
And for what? At least with a trip to the supermarket, you might come back with groceries. With this, you did nothing more than donate more energy for the reptilians to make this, and the communism that is the intended outcome, worse. More than before, I strongly urge that all that can skip this wastefest, should--whether you are vulnerable or not. Whether or not there is even a case in your area.