District Convention

by Gordy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gordy

    Please could anyone tell me the dates of the District Convention for Manchester, England.

    Do they know what its theme will be?

  • born againer
    born againer

    Sorry Gordy, I don't know the answer to your questions, but I live in Manchester and I was wondering if this convention is being held in Northenden? Is it a convention for only Manchester JWs, or is it for JWs from other areas near by as well?

    Sorry again I don't know the answers to your questions!


  • blondie

    I thought someone posted the UK conventions. I have been trying to find it.


  • Gordy

    yes I thought I had seen the somewhere also but can't find them. There was a site that posted the "Kingdom Ministry" but its down at the moment.

    Born againer

    The assemblies in Northenden are Circuit assemblies. Various circuits in the area meet twice a year for either a two day or one day assembly.They use the JW's own assembly hall in Northenden.

    A Circuit is a number of JW congregations, a District is a number of Circuits.

    The one I was asking about is held in the MEN arena in Manchester, usually beginning of July. THis is a District Convention where are number of circuits combine. The last one I attended about 7 years ago had 19,000 attendance, last year they had 14,000.

    The reason I'm asking is that a friend of mine wants to go and do an outreach ministry to the JW's while they are there.

  • Matty

    I did! Here it is again:

  • Gordy

    Sorry to say Matty

    Nothing but a box with red X

  • Matty

    Is it OK now? I've now uploaded it to my strike9 account.

  • Gordy

    thanks Matty


  • born againer
    born againer

    Thank you for making that clear to me Gordy!

    Thats brilliant that you want to do an out reach - I'd love to join you in it.

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