Awake!, May 22nd, 2003, "From our readers", translated back to my poor English, under the subheading "Single-parent families" (referring to a set of articles in Awake!, October 8th, 2002:
"I was left alone with my son and daughter 14 years ago. I want to thank you for the work you put into your publications, but I was disappointed at certain parts of this set of articles. For example, it was repeatedly written about "succeeding" and "achieving good results". I feel that I have done the things suggested on page 11, but I have achieved no results such as the mother pictured on that page did. Succeeding is not just a question of having your children become full time pioneers or missionaries or not. M.S., Japan."
Now ain't that a beauty? And because the letter was printed, I am sure they must have got quite a few similar ones, and so made a few comments to soothe the angry crowd.
I raise my glass to my beloved and extremely brave Japanese sister!