I went to the Sunday Meeting - AGAIN!

by UnDisfellowshipped 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    I went to the Sunday Meeting - AGAIN!

    By UnDisfellowshipped (
    [email protected] )

    Hello everyone!

    The Sunday before the last Sunday, I went to the JW Meeting, because I knew they were going to make statements about the Media (Dateline, etc.) and "Apostates" (SilentLambs, etc.) being liars.

    And then, I posted the information from the Meeting on this Website in a Thread called "I went to the Sunday Meeting!".

    I also E-Mailed the information to Bill Bowen, and told Bill that he could send it out in his mailing list. There was a little mix up, and it appeared that Bill Bowen had gone to the Meeting instead of me, but that's okay, there's no real problems with that. But, I probably should E-Mail Randy at Freeminds to let him know about that.

    So, this last Sunday (April 20th), I went to the Meeting again, because I knew that they were going to make some more comments about the Media in the 2nd Article in the March 1st, 2003 Watchtower that is being studied.

    So, here are some of the comments that were made at the April 20th, 2003 Sunday Meeting (These might not be exactly how they were said, but it is pretty close):

    One Brother answered and said: "The Media in the United States has spread some lies about the Jehovah's Witnesses, but the Media in other countries has been even worse about spreading false stories."

    One Sister answered and said: "The Media reports have made it somewhat more difficult in the Field Service, because householders will sometimes bring up information that they got off the Television or off the Internet, but we just tell them that it is false, and don't argue about it with them. Eventually, the stories in the Media will either be proved true or proved false, and in the end, it always works out the way Jehovah wants it to be worked out."

    Another Sister answered and said: "We need to be prepared now, because with all the Patriotism going on in the United States right now, situations could change very fast, and the United States Government could turn against Jehovah's Witnesses at any time. So we need to be prepared."

    Hearing these comments makes me want to puke.

    Below, I am putting BOTH Sunday Meetings' comments about the Media/Apostates together:

    April 13th Meeting Comments:

    One Sister answered and said:

    "Jehovah's Witnesses must NOT associate with apostates, OR with those who may become apostates, that are currently complaining about the Elders or the Watchtower Society."
    An Elder answered and said:

    "It is not always apostates that spread lies about the Jehovah's Witnesses, sometimes it is the news media. For instance, recently there was a television show about child abuse in the Jehovah's Witnesses, and I
    can't remember the name of the show, but the news media itself really distorted the facts about Jehovah's Witnesses in that Program. It's like that old saying, 'believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see.'"

    April 20th Meeting Comments:
    One Brother answered and said:

    "The Media in the United States has spread some lies about the Jehovah's Witnesses, but the Media in other countries has been even worse about spreading false stories."

    One Sister answered and said:

    "The Media reports have made it somewhat more difficult in the Field Service, because householders will sometimes bring up information that they got off the Television or off the Internet, but we just tell them that it is false, and don't argue about it with them. Eventually, the stories about Jehovah's Witnesses in the Media will either be proved true or proved false, and in the end, it always works out the way Jehovah wants it to be worked out."

    Another Sister answered and said:

    "We need to be prepared now, because with all the Patriotism going on in the United States right now, situations could change very fast, and the United States Government could turn against Jehovah's Witnesses at any time. So we need to be prepared now."
    Quote from the March 1st, 2003 Watchtower Article about the Media:

    Paragraph 6 of the Study Article "Be Courageous and Strong":

    "We also need courage when opposers maneuver the media into spreading bad reports about God's servants or when they try to restrict true worship by 'scheming trouble by decree' (Psalm 94:20) For example, how should we feel when newspapers, radio, or television reports about Jehovah's Witnesses are distortions or outright falsehoods? Should we be shocked? No. We expect such things. (Psalm 109:2) And we are not surprised when some believe the published lies and distortions, since 'anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word' (Proverbs 14:15) Still, loyal Christians refuse to believe just any statement made about their brothers, and they certainly do not allow bad publicity to cause them to miss Christian meetings, to slow down in the field ministry, or to waver in their faith. On the contrary, they 'recommend [themselves] as God's ministers'..." _______________________________________________________

    For more information about the worldwide Child Abuse Cover-Up inside the Jehovah's Witnesses, please visit http://www.SilentLambs.org

  • Gopher

    :we just tell them that it is false, and don't argue about it with them. Eventually, the stories in the Media will either be proved true or proved false, and in the end, it always works out the way Jehovah wants it to be worked out."

    So Dateline NBC made up the story about Erica Rodriguez' sexual abuse and the subsequent coverup by the local congregation elders? The trial of her attacker ( a JW in good standing ) never happened? Her attacker never went to jail? And the hidden camera showing a known child molestor going out in the door-to-door ministry really was distorting reality?

    It seems that these people get together at their Kingdom Halls and continue their groupthink existence in some alternate universe.

    I guess they can believe what they want to. The WT Society is so slick!! They are covering up the worst possible human behavior and casting aspersions on the victims and on the victims' advocates. For shame.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    .."The Sunday before the last Sunday, I went to the JW Meeting,...And then, I posted the information from the Meeting on this Website in a Thread called "I went to the Sunday Meeting!"..... There was a little mix up, and it appeared that Bill Bowen had gone to the Meeting instead of me, but that's okay, there's no real problems with that"...

    Other than the fact you THOUGHT you went to the meeting but it was actually Bill that went.Id say that is a big problem, for you.

    (Just kidding with you bro)

  • m0nk3y
    Another Sister answered and said: "We need to be prepared now, because with all the Patriotism going on in the United States right now, situations could change very fast, and the United States Government could turn against Jehovah's Witnesses at any time. So we need to be prepared."

    Because the United states turning against american JWs would be effecting other places in the world how ? DUMB DUMBER DUMBEST!

    Yes prepare your excuses on the door to door work if you think it will help. *coughs*


  • Maverick

    Thanks for the Behind The Scene Report! Sad to see the 'believers' just lap it up and parrot what they are told to think and feel. In a controlled, closed, society it is not too hard to squeese out the feelings and attitudes that promote WatchTower policy. Maverick

  • Mary

    "....And we are not surprised when some believe the published lies and distortions, since 'anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word...'

    Uh, ya okay..........now lets use that same logic with regards to what's printed in the Watchtower for all the Rank and File Witnesses who are told they MUST put faith in the GB................

    can you say DUUUUUUUHH!!!

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