Questions about the United Nations (U.N.) (Scarlet-Colored Wild Beast)

by UnDisfellowshipped 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Questions about the United Nations, The Scarlet-Colored Wild Beast, Gog of Magog, and The King of the North:

    By UnDisfellowshipped ( [email protected] ) (You can also send me a JWD Personal Message anytime)

    1: Is the United Nations Organization going to attack Babylon the Great, and then, under Gog of Magog's [Satan's] control, turn on the Jehovah's Witnesses?

    2: Or, do the Jehovah's Witnesses now not know who is going to attack the Witnesses at Armageddon?

    3: Are Jehovah's Witnesses not supposed to even speculate on who will attack the Witnesses at Armageddon?

    4: Is the "Scarlet-Colored Wild Beast" the same "Beast" that will attack the Witnesses at Armageddon?

    5: Is the "Scarlet-Colored Wild Beast" the United Nations Organization?

    6: Is the "Scarlet-Colored Wild Beast" the same as "The King of the North"?

    7: If the "Scarlet-Colored Wild Beast" is not the same as "The King of the North", then does that mean that the "Scarlet-Colored Wild Beast" will make an attack on the Jehovah's Witnesses, and then also the "King of the North" will make another attack on the Witnesses?

    8: Is the "King of the North" the one who will destroy Babylon the Great?

    9: Who is the "Eighth World Power"?

    10: Will Babylon the Great be destroyed before the attack on the Jehovah's Witnesses?

    11: According to the "Daniel's Prophecy" Book (1999), the "Eleventh Horn" [the Anglo-American World Power] will be destroyed by Jehovah and Jesus before the other nations of the world, and then the other nations will continue for "a time and a season", and then Jehovah and Jesus will destroy all nations of the world at the end of Armageddon. Is this true? How long is "a time and a season" -- 1 year and 3 months? Also, when will Jehovah destroy the Anglo-American World Power -- At Armageddon? At the Great Tribulation? Before the Great Tribulation?

    12: According to the "Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand!" Book (1988), the Anglo-American World Power is the "False Prophet" of Revelation, who "gives life" to the United Nations, and tries to force everyone to serve the United Nations. Is this true?

    13: Is it true that the Watchtower Society became a "Non-Government Organization" (NGO) Member of the United Nations in order to get a Library Card? If so, did the Watchtower Society have to sign something saying that they support the United Nations Organization's Charter?

    Is it true that the Watchtower Society was a NGO Member of the United Nations for about 10 years (1991-2001)? If so, doesn't that mean that the Watchtower Society was a Member of the "Scarlet-Colored Wild Beast" ("The Disgusting Thing that Causes Desolation"), which is bloodguilty before God, and condemned to be destroyed at Armageddon?

    Also, hasn't the Watchtower Society condemned the Catholics and other religions because they are NGO Members of the United Nations?

    Wouldn't individual Jehovah's Witnesses be Disfellowshipped, Disassociated, or Reproved if they were to go to work for the United Nations Organization, even sweeping the floors?

    Also, it doesn't really matter why the Watchtower Society became Members of the United Nations, they were still associated with the Scarlet Beast, correct?

    Also, according to the United Nations Organization, you do NOT have to become an NGO Member of the U.N. in order to have access to the U.N. Library. ________________________________________________________________

    In case anyone wants to call up and ask any of these Questions, here are the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's Phone Numbers:

    1-866-388-2222 (New Toll-Free Public Phone Number from their New TV Commercial) (Listed on the Official Website)

    718-560-5600 (Media Number) (Listed on the Official Website)

    718-560-5000 (Public Number) (Listed on the Official Website)

    845-306-1100 (Patterson, New York Number) (Listed on the Official Website)

    718-560-5101 (J.R. Brown, Watchtower's Main Lawyer and Spokesman) (Listed on the Official Website)

  • Hamas

    Let it go man

  • Hamas

    Let em hang

  • hooberus

    good questions

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