Matthew 20:9-12 - "When the 11th-hour men came, all believers in Christ each received everlasting life on earth. 10 So when the G.B. came, they assumed that they would receive more and become immortal kings in heaven, but they too were paid with everlasting life on earth. 11 On receiving it, they began to complain against the master of the house 12 and said, ‘These last men didn't run the org; still you made them equal to us.' So Jesus asked them if they were aware of what Adam actually lost for mankind, and to explain to him why they thought that his ransom could buy back more than what Adam forfeited."
G.B.'s fantasy about "heavenly power"
by BoogerMan 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Were they* ever in the vineyard in the first place? 🙄
*The GB.
For a lot of old-school JWs (including GB members, I’m sure), Armageddon was their own personal supernatural revenge fantasy.
Stands to reason that some ‘em might’ve found the prospect of a more active role at least somewhat appealing.