"Mystical manipulation.."

by MacHislopp 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    Any similarity with …some organization?

    “…the potential convert to the group/cult/organization, becomes convinced
    of the higher purpose and special calling of the group/cult/organization through
    a profound encounter/experience, for example , through an alleged miracle or
    prophetic word of those in the group/cult/organization..”

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Francois

    Yep. And sometimes a "miracle" isn't necessary. In fact, it's not necessary MOST of the time.

    Cult followers are looking for an infallible, charismatic leader offering an extravagant hope, for starters. Like Hitler offering relief from the humiliating Treaty of Versailles, and an economic condition characterized by hyperinflation rates of thousands of percentage points a DAY.

    A loaf of bread in pre-WWII Germany cost billions of German Marks. People had to be paid twice a day because the value of money was dropping at such an amazing rate. Workers had to beat it to the bread lines with their wheelbarrows full of paper Marks in order to buy bread while their money was still valuable enough to do so.

    Anyway, Hitler promised relief and a set of extravagant hopes.

    Hitler also recognized he needed a "glue" to hold the people, the cult, together. That glue was the Jew. The Jew was the common enemy. An object of mass hatred who could be blamed for all Germany's problems.

    (Yes, I know I'm telling you stuff you already know. But there are some Jay-Dubs out there who don't recognize the characteristics of a cult and thus don't know they're in one.)

    The JWs are a mirror image of the Hitler cult. They have infallible leaders; they claim to speak directly for God. How could you be more infallible than that?

    They offer an extravagant hope: Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God on a paradise earth. (Frankly, the idea of a thousand years with Jehovah's Witnesses makes me want to just die.)

    And they have developed a common enemy far more effective than the mere "world empire of false religion." The glue of the Jew has been replaced by the fixate of the apostate, the stick of the heretic. Who better to hate than one of your former own? Apostates are so much more personal and easy to hate than a vast and impersonal "empire," don't you think?

    These are just a few of the characteristics that mark the WTB&TS as a full-fledged cult. The JWs actually display each and every characteristic of a cult, and it's very very easy to prove that point.

    That's probably why the governing body has refused to accept my challenge to debate the point at a time and place of their choosing. Not only are they craven cowards, they know they would loose the debate in a very public way. And as a journalist, you can bet I'd have as much press coverage as I could arrange and naturally, the event would be recorded for posterity.

    Who out there has that quote from the WT about how since the catholic church claims to be the way of salvation for millions of people that they should be ready to, essentially, debate the issue, defend their position? If it's right for the catholic church, then it's even more right for the WTB&TS, who claims to speak directly for GOD!

    Lying, hypocritical, cowardly bastards. (Not to put too fine a point on it.)


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Francoise,

    you have made a very good comment!

    About you statement:

    "Who out there has that quote from the WT about how since the catholic church claims to be the way of salvation for millions of people that they should be ready to, essentially, debate the issue, defend their position? If it's right for the catholic church, then it's even more right for the WTB&TS, who claims to speak directly for GOD!" I'll make a search and then post it.

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

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