We are damned If we do and damned if we dont

by Hamas 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hamas

    Do you ever think like that ?

    Your experience as a JW brings it all home to you : 'WOW, WHO REALLY DOES HAVE THE TRUTH?!'

    So in many ways, religion is a catch 22. We will never know. But for now, it feels to me like we are damned if we do and damned if we dont.

  • JamesThomas

    Yes, Hamas, some see religion as a no win. Organized religion was created to be a catch-22. When you are off balance you are easy to control. They always want you striving to be better, and they are there to guide you. How convenient. That's one reason some are drawn to discovering God/Truth within themselves. It is very scientific. No more believing the myths that others pass down; but instead discovering and investigating first-hand within your own consciousness. This can be frightening. You're on your own. No crutches. Oh, books and some guidance can be initially helpful, but eventually you have to let go of everyone else's words and go it alone. You can read about skiing, but you will never know skiing until you're flying down the mountain. The way is very narrow....just enough room for one person to squeeze through....no baggage allowed. JamesT

  • Hamas

    Nice comment thanks

  • AGuest

    Do you ever think like that?

    Dearest Hamas, the greatest of peace to you… and, well, I USED to think like that.

    Your experience as a JW brings it all home to you : 'WOW, WHO REALLY DOES HAVE THE TRUTH?!'

    Thankfully, I found out that such a question DOES have an answer: John 14:6; 6:68

    So in many ways, religion is a catch 22.

    Actually, religion is nothing more than a false prophet, with a very real purpose: Matthew 24:24

    We will never know.

    Ah, now, yes, we will. In fact, we can NOW: Psalm 146:3; Jeremiah 8:8; 23:1-40; Matthew 23:9-36

    But for now, it feels to me like we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t.

    May I ask… “do” or “don’t” what? Follow them? Truly, you ARE damned… if you DO: Matthew 15:3-14

    Dearest James T… the greatest of love and peace to you, too!

    Yes, Hamas, some see religion as a no win

    I know you were addressing Hamas, dear James T, but may I respond that religion IS a “no win”? Matthew 15:14

    Organized religion was created to be a catch-22.

    Actually, there's more to it than that: religion is a trap... a false “light”… set up the by Adversary... who keeps "transforming HIMSELF into an 'angel of light'"... and designed to lure the "children of Light"... the chosen ones... not TO God (as religion claims)… but AWAY from God by means of drawing them away from the TRUE Light... Christ - John 8:12; 1:3, 9.

    Truly, although some religions “honor” God (and Christ) with their LIPS… it is not their words that are being examined. Rather, it is their HEARTS that God, through Christ, examines… and these… are FAR REMOVED from God… by means of being separated from Christ. How do we know? B y their “fruits”, which is either hatred or hypocrisy. Either way, they “deny” the Christ. For that One is the image of the Holy One of Israel, and His “exact representation.” Therefore, if GOD is love… then certainly Christ is. And he (Christ) DEMONSTRATED that he was love… by giving his life, not only on behalf of those who love him, but also on behalf of the world… which “hated” him. He showed love… even for his enemies.

    Religion, however, does not do that. True, some will help the poor and destitute, the sick (in flesh and/or in “spirit”). Yet, when it comes time to choose… they will choose their compatriots over the “brother”… their government over their “enemies”… all the while claiming to love God and Christ. By this, however, this “fruit”… they prove themselves to actually be adversaries. Matthew 5:43-48

    When you are off balance you are easy to control.

    As well as you're “lost”… confused… depressed… in need… hungry… poor… sick… and tired. As well as when you are too young to truly understand… or too old to care.

    They always want you striving to be better, and they are there to guide you. How convenient.

    The hypocrites. Rafter’s all over the place, yes? While at the same, f ingers full of tweezers…

    That's one reason some are drawn to discovering God/Truth within themselves.

    That… or Christ choosing them so that God Himself can draw them - John 6:44; 14:16 – and which is where God and Christ truly dwell anyway… IN them… for the kingdom is IN us… in our hearts… in our MIDST – Romans 8:9, 10

    It is very scientific. No more believing the myths that others pass down; but instead discovering and investigating first-hand within your own consciousness.

    I am smiling!! Because somewhere else on this forum, I was permitted to make the comment that science in fact PROVES the existence of God… but that most scientists cannot fathom that because they tend to only be able to understand… and thus explain… that which is empirical… and since God is a SPIRIT and NOT flesh… He cannot be seen or heard, let alone understood and explained… by means of the flesh – John 4:24

    This can be frightening. You're on your own. No crutches.

    Imagine that: NO preacher, no pastor, no elder, no priest, no pope, no “brothers”, no deacons, no bishops… just you… and God… through Christ! Now THAT is where a “trinity” might come in – the three… YOU… God… and Christ… ONE! In union! A three-fold cord! John 14:11, 23; 15:1-7; 17:1-26

    Oh, books and some guidance can be initially helpful, but eventually you have to let go of everyone else's words and go it alone.

    Not quite: you CAN let go of the books, including the Bible – John 5:39, 40

    You can read about skiing, but you will never know skiing until you're flying down the mountain.

    And you can never know God… until you know Christ. For by knowing CHRIST… and being known BY Christ… you will be know God… and be known BY God. For NO man can come to the Father, except THROUGH that One! And THIS… knowing Christ… and by reason of knowing Christ… KNOWING GOD… means… everlasting life! – John 17:3; 14:6

    The way is very narrow....

    Indeed, he is a “door/gate” that few find - John 14:6

    with just enough room for one person to squeeze through...no baggage allowed

    No “baggage”, true. But sometimes, more than one person is allowed through, just by means of ONE person. For the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose most hallowed name is JAH… of Armies… shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it… by means of His Son and Christ, my Lord… JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH – Acts 2:39; Joshua 2:13, 17-21

    Again, the greatest of peace to you both... and may YOU have ears to hear what the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... FREE!"

    A slave of Christ,


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