Does anyone here do a " Annual Cult Exit day" at home --- we are thinking of a christmas tree with a birthday cake on top hanging with easter eggs --- Listening to Punk while smoking cigars ....thoughts?
Annual Cult Exit day
by stockholm_Syndrome 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't do that, um, specifically, but I do, say, watch, and read whatever I want everyday. Like a person.
It's good to be out, isn't it?
indeed ---not long out myself and I have to pinch myself ! specially when I'm mountain biking on a saturday morning instead of knocking on empty doors! Sought of want to do things for the kids to make up for lost time but...
Good to hear it. I'm fairly new on this site myself and recently faded after years of growing doubts and failing rationalizations.
What a great idea ! we do already have a Celebration meal on the day, which is in March, but to go the whole hog, Tree, baubles and festoon Phizzy Mansion with more lights than Lampoons Christmas Vacation !
Yea ! I.m gonna go for it !
What will passing JW's make of it ? no "Pagan" holiday to accuse me of celebrating !
me too---didnt intend to leave - just read the bible freestyle and couldnt believe how evil it all was and how the governing body are no portal ---- if you cant sleep at some point I have blogged my exit process
Do it Phizzy Do it - Do it Phizzy Do it
Dammit I didn't make a note of the day. Oh well, will have to celebrate every day!