Drearyweather wrote: Abraham did lot of works in obedience to God and because of his love for him, like leaving his home and personal luxuries behind, circumcising the male members of his family, readiness to sacrifice Isaac, etc. However, the credit for his righteousness did not go to this works, but to his Faith - Genesis 15:6.
I like Drearyeathers illustration very much. However, I think Abrham could not even present works but in contrary he had only little faith and he only barely believed. It was the spark of faith that counted. Circumsicion is not a work, how the baptism is not a work but a sign, a testimony.
Dont let us forget that Abraham was - even after the covenant - a tricky person, a liar, a disputable person, he betrayed his wife, and created many family problems, only after 100 years God allowed that he procreated a son. For more than 100 years God - according to the story - God forgave him and corrected his mistakes and had to intervent to correct his mistakes. And only after 100 he latetly understood Gods will a little bit indeed, his faith had grown though and therefore it was time for God to test him, he shoud sacrifce his son and kill him with a knife, what he again did not understand, but he tried hard to do it, he had faith, trust, confidence.
He was not a hero of "good deeds", "works", or "theocraticve achievements", but only had one thing - a little bit trust, he barely believed - and now after 100 years he didnt understand why he should gilden his faith by killing his son, what he did not in fact (it was only a story) and also fortunately, because otherwise the divine promise could not come true.
Although he was apart from that an example of a sinner, a slow and weak person, a godless rapscallion in his heart, this situation must have been really difficult for him after he had found finally a little faith in God, then suddenly such a final examination/test!
The story only expresses with the mean of such a crucial test using the ancient "human sacrifice" as pattern, (although for our sense it might be unloving) that only entire devition to God is what - also accompanied by awful endurance test - leads to the "true life" and the fullfillment of the promise.
However it was neither this "test" nor the circumcision, nor the convenant, nor his 100 years of divine education, intervention and correction (what made him ancestor of a promise) what would have been the requirement to be loved by God. It was Abrahams however the original tiny seed of faith, that ingenious faith, which took roots, that was credited as righteousness.
From this perspective - taken Abraham as example of a man who BARELY believed and barely passed those tests of faith, however had a spark of faith - not only a little flock, but billions of people, "ungodly" people, liars with a spark of faith, should indeed not fear that their little faith would not be credited as righteousness.
BTW: Charles Taze Russel, Joseph F. Rutherford are only a few examples in the organsation that followed his example, they were tricky and liars and created many problem in the bethel family that even today leads to suffering of thousand of honest Christians. They had a spark of faith. But even after 100 years God has not yet enough intervened to correct the manmade rules. However these two might even be also heirs of the promise, not because of deeds, works, service hours in pioneering, donations, but because of Gods love. The crucial test however for the GB as for anyone could yet stand before them anytime. For them the test will be certainly much severe. Would they really bring such a "human" sacrifice, let their children or parents die without blood e.g. which they await from others? Whatfor actually if a spark of faith is enough?