Larry Graham interview, last days quote

by neat blue dog 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    We all know Stephen Lett's infamous quote that we're living in "the final part of the final part of the last days! Shortly before the last day of the last days."

    Well, there is an interesting interview with Larry Graham and his family that has a variant on this, where he says that we're living in "the last of the last of the last days". Then he goes on to say that "this system is just about over, it's had it", and that only "precious hours" remain . . . So don't pursue a career like he did he recommends! (Even though he is reaping the benefits and never had to work again.)

    Keep in mind this was recorded in the '80s, going on 40 years ago 😅

  • smiddy3

    I must admit I didn`t watch the whole video only a few moments were enough .

    However I wonder just where Larry Graham , his wife and his daughter are now ,did they stay witnesses ? or did any of them leave ,I wonder .

    As you say this recording was 40 odd years ago.

  • HappyDad

    Not only Larry Graham but what about George Benson? I wonder if he is still drinking the Kool-Aid?

  • Bobcat

    According to the Wikipedia bio on him he stayed involved in his industry on up to 2013. My guess is that his assembly interview was designed to bring out a predetermined MO. I've seen that before in assembly/convention interviews where the person being interviewed doesn't even fully agree with what the audience hears. The tone of the interview is driven by what the WT outline says it is supposed to bring out. They are basically propaganda pieces.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I see on Wiki that he released a solo album in 2019.

    I think he is still an active JW.

  • hoser

    These assembly interviews are designed to make everyone in the audience feel like shit because they are not pioneering. The whole truth is never really revealed. Mrs Hoser and myself have been interviewed and before the part the Circuit or district overseer basically tell you what to say on stage to fit the agenda. It’s a sales cult.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Yes he and his wife are still active. I haven't been able to find anything however on their daughter.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    I haven't been able to find anything however on their daughter.

    He became a JW in the 80's when he was in his late 30's when the end was right around the corner. He's now 76 years old and I heard he was recently reproved for serving Graham crackers at his zoom Memorial. I'm guessing that between his son Darric and his daughter Latia, he probably has Graham-kids by now.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    The graham kids are half white though. You know, graham crackers.

  • FFGhost

    Closer than the inside of your eyelids!

    Spoken a half-century ago.

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