Rutherford got SOMETHING right - in 1923......

by BoogerMan 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BoogerMan

    ....but then he fulfilled a "prophecy" from " A Few Good Men" - he couldn't handle the truth!

    Christians were witnesses of Christ in 1923, but a new brand name light in 1931 "adjusted" that thinking!

    Watchtower February 1 1923 - "Did Jesus succeed in his mission in seeking the lost? The answer must be No, if we stop our inquiry at the close of his life. His work was continued by those he chose to be with him—his disciples. Since then, and until now, they have represented him and his work. Are the lost persons and things yet found and saved? Again the anwer is No. But the Savior completed his work on earth, and was raised to divine nature that he might be the Savior in power; and his [Jesus'] witnesses have nearly completed their work (or his through them), and are soon (102 years later & counting!) to appear with him."

  • blondie

    Good catch, BoogerMan. Even in the RNWT the only place it says witnesses of Jehovah is in the Old Testament, Isaiah 43, addressed to the Jews who were still considered at the writing to be worshippers of Jehovah. In the New Testament, it is always "witnesses of Jesus" and versions of that.

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