ok i am new to this, could someone pls tellme how to post pic
by orbison 5 Replies latest jw friends
ok 10 readers and no help oh well
very mature to start whining after a few minutes, orbinson, and unlikely to get anyone wanting to help you.
- Jan
Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911] -
Oh Orbison,
LOL I am sorry. They say we are a friendly bunch here too
I see you have used Jw.com as the website that is hosting your pic, unless Simon has put it there that will not work. You need to put your pic on a website, then enter it in your profile.
Does this help at all?Jan,
Bah humbug
wendy -
thank you wendy you have been very kind, unlike janh
hi orbison - mmmm - we dont want to get you into trouble for your impatience - so - if you want a picture of your real self posted and you dont have one already online somewhere - yes i think u have to email simon - (i'm sure others will clarify this for you).
alternatively if you had one online or if you wanted to use one of these animation types of images or any other image - you can do it yourself - if the file size is correct - otherwise the image will distort - sometimes it's just a matter of trial and error - trying different images until one comes up that jells - ie doesn't distort or lose quality in anyway.
i'm not a techo - so no guarantees this will work - but - here's an example of do it yourself - if you place your cursor over most online images and click the right mouse - you'll notice at the very bottom of the dialogue box that opens - an option called properties - click on that - about centre of the next d/box that opens is the Address (URL) - usually begins with - http etc
for example if you right cursor click over my image (the lips) then click on properties you will notice the Address (URL) as being-
its this image Address URL that causes the image to display when you cut and paste it into the Picture URL field on your jw.com personal profile page.
so simply - find an image u like - obtain it's URL as explained above - and insert that into your jw.com personal profile Picture URL field - submit the changes - and u should now have your image.
any online image has potential to be used but as mentioned earlier may not format into the thumbnail - depending on the size of the image.
here's the official story:
Your profile can include a small (50x50) image that will appear next to any posts that you make. Having a picture allows people to recognise who has made the post and can help to make the site more friendly.
To make your picture appear, enter the URL of the image which should be either a GIF or JPG sized to 50 x 50 pixels. If the image is larger or smaller than this size then it willl be resized to fit which may make it appear distorted.
A sample image of the appropriate size is shown below:
An example of a valid URL would be:
If you need help uploading your picture to a suitable web site, please contact the system administrator for assistance.
hope this helps.
i believe you can also insert images into the text field by inserting the image address url as well - for example if i insert the image url from my thumbnail into the text field here I get:
please try to be more patient while awaiting responses to your posts orbison - you should know by now how annoying this is to the more experienced postersgoo.