So 17 years in a hospital alot of PTSD...I sometimes go the prayer room and read the prayers of family members who I know later the loved one died anyway. If you have any idea about God you area kidding yourself. Good Doc live...bad Doc you die!
I Work in a hospital 17 years religious reality death check!!
by Witness 007 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Witness 007
A couple who prayed and their 6 year old son died suddenly in Resus..I heard there scream horrid when he died.
People pray silently in their mind or verbally out loud ,and no God ever answers silently in their mind or verbally out loud.
Those people that say GOD answers prayers are deluding themselves.
My 2 cents worth.
Under Jehovah`s Theocracy with the Israelites there existed cases of Leprosy .
It doesn`t appear that GOD could prevent his chosen people from getting it.
De.24:8,Le.13:2,Nu.12:10,2Ki.5:3-27. also in Mt. and Luke it still was a problem.
It doesn`t look too promising for Paradise does it ?
People who , in sadness, pray to God for a favour to spare their loved one are in error. It has been seen millions of times that he does not do that. He just doesn’t.
Mind you , If I ever get to that state facing the death of my wife..... I bet I will pray hard too. What else can you do ?
Actually, I do believe that prayers can help. At least as much as any other placebo.
road to nowhere
Placebo is it. I know atheists who give " warm thoughts "
Facing difficult times anything that gives clear thoughts, comfort from knowing others care, or even false hope can bring peace.
Yep. As long as people THINK it works, it WILL WORK FOR THEM.
Nathan Natas
God answers prayers, but He always says, "NO, not now."