July 2017 presentation videos
July 2017 presentation videos
by wifibandit 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Newly Enlightened
Thank you WIFI. Have there been any BOE's lately? I got May's but haven't seen any lately
What would it be like with no death? hmm... over population for a start. Does that include animals, insects, germs and plants too? In that case the world will be unbearable within 6 months.
I love Rev 21 - it is sooo comforting.
Especially considering that god will murders 7+ billion innocent people - so we wont have any more death.
Except for those numbering the sands of the sea at the end of the 1000 years which he will have to Kill.And Except to anyone who doesnt agree with him for the rest of eternity.
Man, why does doGs paradise suck so bad, people want to escape even if it means death?
Our doG is a mighty and really crapy doG.