The Horsemen of the Apocalipse NOW!!!

by Explorer 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Explorer

    It takes only a few minutes watching CNN to realize that the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalipse are riding back again. Who knows this time what the outcome of their riding will be. Undoubtedly however, this will turnout to be again good numbers for the WT this year.

    And that is something the mayority of the people here seem to miss sometimes. The WT message will ALWAYS be up to date, it will NEVER loose actuality, for the world will ALWAYS be a deleted hell, untill the day the White Horse Horseman decides to use HIS sword...

  • Dansk


    Watchtower will always duck and dive and massage figures and teaching - which is why it MUST be blown away for ever!


  • caligirl

    I used to waste my time watching news looking for evil bad news to fill my head with too. Then I woke up and realized how disrespectful it was to throw the gift of life I have been given back into God's face that way. Go out and enjoy your life. Stop focusing on the bad and look for the good in life! Amazingly enough, you get what you focus on, and you are obviously focusing on the negative. If you are looking for bad, you will find it. Stop wasting the gift of life that God gave you on "doomsday" prophesy and take a look at the beauty and good that is just waiting to be discovered all around you.

    * if your post was meant to be sarcastic, I apologize for taking it seriously.

  • RunningMan

    The four horsemen of the apocalypse (war, famine, disease, death... I think) all have one thing in common - death. Every one of those things causes untimely death.

    Yet, we enjoy the longest life expectancy in the history of the human race. We have also seen a population explosion in the 20th century, in spite of a drop in the birth rate. Population growth is inversely proportional to the death rate.

    Get your head out of your ass, man. You can't judge humanity by newspaper reports. Good lives don't make news. Newspapers report only the unusual, not the norm.

  • Valis

    A sure sign Carmageddon is upon us..


    District Overbeer

  • ThiChi


    LOL! hehe

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