Why I ask this is because the night before the memorial we had a phone call from a longtime friend who obviously is still indoctrinated ,to encourage us to log onto jw.org and view the proceedings ?
she made a big deal about how this has never happened before and that even non Jw`s could watch it .
She was going to ring us up on the night to help us log in if we had any problems or whatever .
This friend is a bit eccentric to say the least and speaks against the elders at times ,sometimes I even wondered whether she was DF or not ? So this Ph.call surprised me somewhat ,and the wife`s attitude is she`s happy just let her be and don`t rock the boat ,she is about our age so just let her be ,we have had a lot of history with her and she still talks to us despite what the religion says.
But when the Memorial was about to start no phone call and we haven`t heard from her since ? I had a go at logging on and couldn`t do it ,I couldn`t access zoom the memorial ?
Did she have it all wrong ? Or did I do something wrong that I couldn`t log on ?
Not that I really wanted to but hey ,for old times sake ? Also the night b4 she could have had a few Chardys I suspect.
Because the Cong.we were in was not backward in having a drink or two or three.