Country Girl
by Country Girl 4 Replies latest jw friends
Too funny! Great catch, thanks for sharing.
HAHAHHA amazing how obvious all that crap is now eh? sheesh hahahha those pics look soo dumb however did we study that???????
I'm pretty sure hell would be a more interesting place to be if heaven were full of those wackos, not that I believe in either.
On #22 at the top, is that supposed to be depicting space travel? And certainly no female martial arts. And forget about kissing your wife. And certainly if you're asian, thou shalt not be a soldier.
That's a big bottle of hooch that guy's drinking...
haha ok those really cracked me up.....
I always smile when I see Christians say that the Bible is against polygamy. No where in the Bible is polygamy spoken against, except for Christian overseers in I Tim. 3:2. And that verse can be taken to say that all overseers must be married (which contradicts other parts of the Bible). Interestingly, The Jerusalem Bible translates I Tim. 3:2 as "...He must not have been married more than once..."
I wonder how many families have been broken up because the this warped view of polygamy? I feel so bad for Africian Witnesses and their families.
From what publication is this???? It is incredibly patronizing....
this one is very funny: