OK, don't laugh.
Ah...you did anyways. Damn! Well, yours truly finally broke down this afternoon and I finally purchased my reading glasses. For a few years I have had trouble reading, even on-line written-word. I could read, but my eyes would tire so quickly.
Now, here I am, typing away, wearing these +1.25 magnification reading glasses. All I can say is: WOW
I can sit back and not have to be right up against the computer screen. The depth is a bit odd, as in the screen looks a bit more 3D - anyone experience this? It's like the screen seems a bit bigger (I know, doh magnification Rayzor), but it seems more like it has depth and definition. I cannot wear them for walking or distance. I'd be ass over tea kettle in a moment.
Any suggestions for any of you whom have been wearing bi-focals or reading glasses?
It's a bit weird, but it's OK. Not quite used to them. Makes my stomach feel a bit odd.
OK...any suggestions or experiences related to bi-focals/reading glasses would be most appreciated.
Thanks...Ol' Rayzorblade (turning 41 in Sept.)