Bi-Focals/Reading Glasses

by RAYZORBLADE 5 Replies latest jw friends


    OK, don't laugh. did anyways. Damn! Well, yours truly finally broke down this afternoon and I finally purchased my reading glasses. For a few years I have had trouble reading, even on-line written-word. I could read, but my eyes would tire so quickly.

    Now, here I am, typing away, wearing these +1.25 magnification reading glasses. All I can say is: WOW

    I can sit back and not have to be right up against the computer screen. The depth is a bit odd, as in the screen looks a bit more 3D - anyone experience this? It's like the screen seems a bit bigger (I know, doh magnification Rayzor), but it seems more like it has depth and definition. I cannot wear them for walking or distance. I'd be ass over tea kettle in a moment.

    Any suggestions for any of you whom have been wearing bi-focals or reading glasses?

    It's a bit weird, but it's OK. Not quite used to them. Makes my stomach feel a bit odd.

    OK...any suggestions or experiences related to bi-focals/reading glasses would be most appreciated.

    Thanks...Ol' Rayzorblade (turning 41 in Sept.)

  • Francois

    Don't buy too many of those 1.25s as they will be obsolete 'fore too long, and you'll be using 2.5s or something else.

    I suggest you wave a dead chicken in the direction of Mecca and pray for early onset cataracts. They will remove your current natural lens, leaving the sac the lens was in. Then they will replace the natural lens with a new lens made of the same stuff that soft contact lenses are made of. This operation is fast, too.

    For instance, I was wheeled into the surgical suite at 10:30 am to have the lens in my left eye replaced. At exactly 10:38, I walked out of the hospital with 20/15 vision in that eye (instead of the 20/400 I went in there with).

    A few weeks later, I was back in there having the lens in my right eye replaced. He was slower this time. Took him 9 minutes. And I walked out with 20/15 vision in that eye, too.

    The only drawback is that now I must have a pair of reading glasses at all times, cause if I need to read something and I don't have those reading glasses, no reading is going to take place.

    Sooner or later you'll get tired of having 15 pair of reading glasses and you can't find even one pair.



    Thanks for that info Francois. I have heard of this proceedure, and that it is unbelievably quick.

    I just wore the reading glasses for a bit, then took them off, as I'm not used to them. They kind of make me feel light-headed.

    Other than that, I wear glasses for distance, almost all the time.

    These reading glasses are OK, but I have a feeling it will be awhile before I can wear them for extended lengths of time.

    My grandmother (Father's), she had cataracts. She went in for the eye operation, and of course, her vision improved from lousy to OK. She was 84.

    We'll see what happens with my eyes over time. But I appreciate the feedback just the same. Glad to read (with/without glasses) that your vision has improved as a result of this proceedure.

    Thanks Francois.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The light-headnedness will go away in about a day or so - once your eyes are used to the magnification. Whenever I get a new pair I go through the same experience. I have tri-focals so that makes it even harder. It will take your eyes a while to adjust to finding the exact spot on the lens to focus on what you are looking at. The dizziness can be caused by your eye using the wrong part of the lens to see with (looking at a distance but using the magnifying part or vice-versa)

    When you fisrt put them on practice for a couple of minutes checking for the differnet spots on the lens that gives your eyes the best focus. After a bit of practice your eye will seek it out. It will also take some time to find the right distance from things and the right head tilt to get the best focus. Just give it time. It took me longer the first time (a couple of days) but when I went for my second pair it just took a few hours



    Thanks Lady Lee.

    These are reading glasses, but they look like regular glasses.

    WHEW...I have to admit, I felt light-headed and dizzy. But I assume this is not uncommon.

    I wore them for awhile, but they it got confusing. Looking at the screen, then the keyboard, and then my stomach went for a loop. Oh I hate that.

    I think you're right. I will wear them a bit at a time. I figured since persons who have worn bifocals have commented similarly, I wondered about the reading glasses.

    First time for everything I guess.

    I appreciate your advice and comments. I'll try as you said Lady Lee. Thank you.

  • talley

    I wear bifocals, in fact mine are 'occupational bifocals'; the reading lens is situated at the bottom of the eyepeice, but also at the very top of the eyepiece too, wonderful for any close work above one's head like reading library shelves or electircial wireing,etc.

    BUT, for the computer I had another pair made up with the reading lens perscription set at 9 in. for the keyboard and then 22 in. for the remainder for monitor viewing. Wonderful toy. I can now sit here for hours in front of the computer with no eyestrain, no neck strain, and no headache.


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