Nigeria - Article: GB of Jehovah’s Witnesses Agrees with other Churches on MMM, Warns Against Ponzi Schemes

by AndersonsInfo 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndersonsInfo

    The governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses, the central organ that controls the international body of the organisation has warned her members against the growing Ponzi schemes promising a quick fix, at least with this warning Jehavah’s witnesses now have a common ground with other churches as notable clergies in Nigeria have equally warned members against the scheme.

    The governing body warned not just Nigerian adherents, but also all members worldwide.

    The letter conveying the message was read out to members at this sunday’s meetings.

    Some of the key points of the letter are:

    1. Trust God for all your financial needs
    2. If you’re not sure whether the scheme would crash or not, don’t introduce it to your brothers
    3. Never be driven by the love of money
    4. Satan is looking for ways to drive Christians into his court. Try to be vigilant

    At the end of the letter, Hebrew 13: 5 and 6 was read.

  • LongHairGal


    Affinity fraud is something that happens to people in a group or church who trust other members and they all too often get involved in such schemes. It is never presented as something illegal, but a way to make money relatively easy.

    IMO, some Witnesses never wanted to be part of the workforce and they loved the idea of these things. It wasn't just about "pioneering". They just couldn't hack it in the real world and wanted to be around the "friends", who would be polite to them.

    So, this is where Ponzi schemes come in. No dealings with "worldly" people: just your "brothers", who will tolerate anything, right?

    I knew how unreliable many "friends" were and this was a recipe for disaster.

    I steered clear of it.

  • steve2

    An indirect admission that JWs are exactly the same as members of other churches, just as vulnerable to being exploited by their "own" fellow believers.

    This brings back memories of a flurry of schemes that bedevilled my local congregation a few decades ago. The sister who introduced one of the schemes was well-regarded - and continued to be - and her "error" was in not realizing she was putting herself in line for a large financial reward (I'd say "fleecing") from others in the congregation signing up. Hmmmmm. Convenient (see below for who that sister is).

    How was it discovered? One of the subsequent signees lost a considerable sum of money and only afterwards reported it to the elders. So whilst there was no immediate danger of financial loss - and the promise of gain! - everyone who had signed up was kind of quiet about it. How do I know? Let's just say my older JW sister was the one who introduced the scheme...and - ahem - it was no "mistake" on her part. But I have already said too much.....

  • LevelThePlayingField

    It just goes to show that down deep inside, even for Witnesses, they want the money. $$$ If no one is looking they will go after it, bottom line. Sad.

  • Vidiot
    "...The governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses, the central organ that controls the international body of the organisation has warned her members against the growing Ponzi schemes..."

    'Course they have.

    That's their turf.

    On a lighter note...

    ..."Nigeria vs. the Watchtower: Ultimate Fraud Smackdown"...

    ...tonight at 8:00pm (7:00 central time).


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