I've had people point, make comments under their breath, give me dirty looks, after I was declared "bad association"(because even though I still was going in service, I refused to turn in a timecard.)
Anyone been insulted by JW after being df'd or Da'd?
by avishai 9 Replies latest jw friends
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
Wear them as a badge of honour. The kudos really only start when DAd or DFd. Then you can hold your head high.
cheeses (of-the-up-yours-smug-one-class)
Wear them as a badge of honour .
That's right Juice. Reminds me of my theme song. Sung to the tune of that old Dr. Pepper commercial.
I'M AN APOSTATE...............................
HE'S AN APOSTATE.............................
BE AN APOSTATE...........................C'MON BE AN APOSTATE..............................
Amen. My response was to give them the peace sign. Well, half of it anyway.
You don't need to be DFd or DAd for JWs to feel that they have the right to insult and degrade you.
You just need to be a female.
Love, Scully
I'll add that you just need to be a little "different" then they are, whether it's not turning in a service report, cutting back on some jw activity, expanding your friendships to include some non-jws....you name it, they'll find a reason to look down on you. Nice Christians, aren't they?
I've told the story many times. Its not just the dfted its anyone around them that will stand up for, beside, or with them. Social events are the worst.
Minimus asked why I don't just kick some ass. To those that know how bad it is on the inside isn't not kicking there ass better punishment? Leaving them to themselves; by themselves while we have a happy life with our kids; thats all the revenge I need.
People who are that full of hate, guys I pity them. I can only hope that one day they see the beauty of letting the hate and the hurt and fear go.
Being dismissed = being insulted.
Treated like you are a nobody is being insulted.
Everyone that brings "reproach" against Jah is insulted by them. -
Scully...ain't THAT the truth!
I think most witness men would be right at home in Afghanistan
usually its because of jealousy, i think they envy that you no longer have to go door to door or stand around street corners wearing a suit in 90
degree weather. you dont have to try and place literature evertime you conversate with normal people. you no longer have to bs and lie and
dupe people and be afraid of everything and avoid everthing and sneak around etc. you are free of it and you can do whatever you want with no
one spying on you or tattling. when they yell they are just jealous of you. dont even turn your head to see whos saying it. know that its
someone mentally challenged.