Who elects the new GB members as needed, who is in charge, what happens when no anointed to fill vacancies? Change so everyone partakes? In time GB members likely to be teenagers, I was baptised over 50 years ago, seemed to be faith based reasons for membership, what happened to Paradie Earth, Jesus, and not just money, What is there in it to make you want to join, not appalling videos, appalling GB members pleading for money. No sound basis of any firm belief, so many "adjustments" , who keeps making these up? What IS the Truth, I have no idea on what is considered right now, seem to daily stumble across changes.
Who elects Governing Body members?
by Lostandfound 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Existing GB members select new GB members.
Since numbers of anointed have been going up they'll likely not run out of anointed brothers to choose any time soon. They may however abandon the literal 144.000 teaching if the number keeps going up, or forbid new anointed, or just not count them. Who knows what they'll come up with next. Never in a million years would I have predicted the overlapping generation nonsense. They could come up with anything and see if it fly.
They seem to have lost their way on teachings. They appear to have lost any semblance of coherence or credibility. Or is that just my impression?
That should be a secret hand, skillfully hidden to the common people of which I luckily am a member.
"They seem to have lost their way on teachings. They appear to have lost any semblance of coherence or credibility. Or is that just my impression?"
The only teaching they have left centers around their Authority and Obedience.
Jesus is missing. Jehovah is relegated to the backyard like a pet.
It's all about what you can do for the WTBT$.
Witness 007
They pick the most ego driven ass kissers in the whole org. Then give them a TV show. Very hollywood. Then they rehash the "generation" to apply to them since they met Fred Franz.
No sound basis of any firm belief, so many "adjustments" , who keeps making these up?
The GB are given the credit for coming up with the new doctrine, but it's really likely the "Helpers" on the Teaching Committee.
IMO The new "Overlapping Generations" doctrine is an example of a poorly reasoned emergency band-aid that became necessary when it was obvious to all that anyone who qualified as part of "this generation [that] will not pass away" had indeed passed away. THEY WERE ALL DEAD. Sadly, the Overlap seems to be the best thing anyone could pull out of their . . . . hat.
As far as answering your question, "What IS the Truth?"
You would have to rephrase that as, "What IS the current Truth?" It changes more often than the weather.
Who elects Governing Body members? - GB members elect new GB members, great isn't it? -
SBF said
They seem to have lost their way on teachings. They appear to have lost any semblance of coherence or credibility. Or is that just my impression?
Absolutely, no sign of any drive or Christian living, only "Loyalty", to what? Not any God only the organisation, such proved by unquestioning obedience to more and more adjustments that would make a sane man laugh as promised new earth vanishes into distance. Loyalty also shown by financial support, drive for which I have not witnessed in the 60s - 00s. Publishing a money cow for decades but now stealing ice cream money and anything else.
Generation cavorting is truly laughable as is the way in which it is swallowed by masses in the ICU of the Watchtower.