2 Jehovah's Witness Elders give evidence in Court, others did not, will the 2 be punished for giving evidence?

by was a new boy 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    'Man guilty of abuse — after silence from church members

    A Jehovah’s Witness has been found guilty of sexually abusing a teen over a number of years – after the silence of church members who refused to give evidence.'


    'I know the people in the article I knew the elders The church camp was actually a few Jws getting together camping Supervised by elders'


    Answer- Depends if Watchtower gave them the OK, me thinks. 🤔

  • DesirousOfChange
    Depends if Watchtower gave them the OK,

    Not a chance in the world that WT gave their blessing on a "congregation camping trip". They know that's a lawsuit waiting to happen even if it only means a youth gets injured by accident.

  • Balaamsass2

    :( Blocked by a paywall.

  • was a new boy
  • Biahi

    Since when do you need permission from anyone to arrange a camping trip with friends?

  • DesirousOfChange
    Since when do you need permission from anyone to arrange a camping trip with friends?

    The issue is if you have "permission" from the Congregation then it is a "church" organized event and the church can be held liable for incidents that occur, ie, injuries, abuse, etc. This is why years ago the KM and WT letters instructed that NO such events were to be organized as a congregation event. No Cong picnics or parties or trips (even to Bethel). Any person organizing any such event was doing it "personally" and was "personally liable".

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    WT never gave their blessing on outside activity 'sponsored by the congregation' other than preaching or assembly.

    I was shocked in 1974, as soon as I arrived at Bethel that my assigned Cong. sponsored a bus trip to a New York State Park on a Sat; I guess with other Congregations participating. A Ministerial Servant made a short announcement from the platform during the Service meeting.

    I went, it was packed out, there was no room to swim in the pools, standing room only.

    It even slipped by a Bethel Elder we had at the hall, of course he missed a lot of the meetings, as the Elders were always having Judicial Committee meetings during the Service meetings and on Sundays. It was a huge Cong. (like a miniature Circuit Assembly) where usually someone got D'F'd every Thur. night and Sunday.

    In the next month's Kingdom Ministry there was an announcement, that outside activity sponsored by the congregation was not allowed.

    Bun, #11 went to the Hall, often wondered if she ratted on them?

  • NotFormer

    That's an interesting edit of a (presumably legitimate) WT cover. The WT always had weird ways of celebrating their faithful ones. Showing off the faithful ones who are dying off is one example. Another was the cover boasting of the kids who died refusing blood transfusions. I always wonder how the parents felt about that cover when it came out. How do they feel now (those who are still alive)? Of course, there's no guarantee that the kids would have lived, had they had the transfusions; they were very ill. It's just bizarre the ghoulish way the WT showcases people being faithful unto the death, in the case of the above picture of the generation that did pass away, and the kids who refused blood.

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