Article in Los Angeles Times from 1995 about change generation teaching.
by Hellothere 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks for the link
If you were a jw in LA in 1995 would you have read the article? Were they as dogmatic as they are now about not reading or looking at anything not printed by the wt/gb back then?
Bill Covert
August 29, 1987 Jim Dart also wrote "Conscience outweighs confidence", This in response the Sept. 1 1987 Wt. article "A Time to speak When?", the deception of Lev.5: 1, for the purpose of fabricating a hunting license to ferret out the here to fore brand new emerging enemy of true worship the APOSTATE.
The circuit overseer Harley Brenamen mentioned in this article was in Redding Ca. during the late 1980's and he was the starting point of my individual journey. As in the child's fable "The Emperor New Clothes" two swindlers a Ray Dale and a Glenn Colombo moved into Redding at the behests of a corrupt little circuit overseer Billy Ford. They set up "Dale and Colombo Financial Planners" Ray Dale has had a 30 year career defrauding seniors with in JW church as he is protected by church policy 1Cor. 6: 1-6, willingness to pay bribes Isa.1: 23 as in the case of Harley Brenaman and engage in simony as in the case of Billy Ford. Glenn Colombo was a chump, his mother provided the start up money.
Ray Dale wrote three prospectuses for investments. The one for "American Overdrive" turned into a $4.250,000 unregistered securities fraud. Involved in that fraud was a JW patent attorney Leonard Schappert [deceased]. When I caught Ray Dale cheating my mother in law Schappert was willing to help me understand some of the technical aspects [I am a truck mechanic, securities fraud is about 6 pay grades above my mental capacity]. I knew there was something Schappert was holding back, which was at that moment in time the investment in the local start up "American Overdrive" was starting to take off. But Schappert knew they never registered the securities with the Dept. of Corporations in their hurry to market the securities. Schappert kept that fact a secret. The other two prospectuses were were criminal.
Mat. 18: 15-17 is the procedure to be followed. Step one Ray Dale did not like it being questioned but did put his reply in writing. Step two L. Schappert consented to being the "witness", but Ray Dale refused to comply, stating I could take him to the congregation, step three. I did. Ray Dale and his mouth piece came to the Matt.18: 17 meeting with four pre prepared decisions. One the usage of Scappert as a witness in direct violation of the "Organization Book". That elder body was comprised of four members of Ray Dale's entourage and local elders terrified of "wolves" Acts 20: 28-30. Meeting ended with my resignation. Which was followed with judicial proceedings that i was guilty of causing "strife" Gal.6: 20. Dale's kangaroo court tried three times to railroad me but I beat their asses! Harley Brennaman and Stephen Coinavich the D.O. were in town, they halted the proceedings ordered me to stay out of Ray Dale's affairs. The fact that the four pre prepared Matt.18: 17 decisions were corrupt had absolutely no bearing as to the C.O. and D.O. relationship with a swindler Isaiah 1: 23.
The next year 1990 "American Overdrive went bankrupt. The D.A. investigator came calling. The SEC raided Ray Dale's office, but determined the securities were under State jurisdiction not Federal. The California Department of Corporation's sent out a letter of investigation which resulted in Shasta County Superior Court case #109555 which showed the Ray Dale penned securities were unregistered and totaled $4.250.000..
The Church has a department the "Service Dept." to handle problems. According to Barbara Anderson Northern Calif. had a Merton Campbell. He being the one who screwed up the case of the Red Bluff molester Henderson according to Randal Waters, which was posted on this site and since been removed. Merton Campbell had Ray Dale investigate Ray Dale, he should of taken the investigation out of Ray Dale's congregation domain and put the investigation into the hands of the most capable area elders. In about 1999 I learned from Mitchell Isner [deceased] when he was released from prison on a embezzlement charge, Ray Dale flipped L. Schappert to testify against as Schappert did the paper work for the second and third offerings of unregistered securities, as Dale was kicked off the Board of Directors for being a habitual liar. When Merton Campbell fucked up the whole investigation of a habitual criminal I called him "a servant on a horse" Eccl.10: 7, 5 in 1991. That poisoned the water, I then commenced becoming the writer of the most offensive letters of anyone in the USA according to Barbara Anderson who knew of my letter writing during the time she was in Bethel.
The Sept1 1987 Wt. article became a big issue in Redding South Cong. of which I was a "refugee" in so as to escape Ray Dale's creative judicial scenarios. When the SEC raided Ray Dale's office, when the Shasta County letter of investigation, when the Calif. dept. of Corp. letter was written the power elder who used his influence with the JW discount, fire arms trafficking and various schemes so as to travel world wide on a janitors income, most prominent positions with in the circuit. That elder was terrified of "wolves" Acts 20: 28-30 and refused on three occasions to forward two letters of criminal investigation to thus allow the incompetent Merton Campbell correct his mistake and remove from the organization a habitual criminal who defrauded widows, seniors for way over 20 years. I had heard they refer to Ray Dale in the Southern Calif. San Diego area as a "snake", yet no one able to do anything about it as he is protected by the church.
In 2013 in the summer convention main talk "Human Apostates" they said that a apostate is using a new tactic of writing to the publishers homes. That be me. in 2004, after family left due to the policy that I was a threat to their spirituality, I plugged into the internal church "grapevine" and began to fuck with the minds of local elders who refused to comply with the instructions of 1987 Wt. article "A Time to Speak When?" to come forth with testimony to back up the man doing public cursing paragraph six.
In Dec. 2004 I was disfellowshipped on the charge of being a "reviler", evidently Merton Campbell did not like being called a "servant on a horse". That disfellowshippment was scripted out in the manner of Ray Franz. In the appeals process the presiding judge inadvertently let out a name of a widow, then quickly put it back in the bag. In 2007 the thought went thru my mind to hire a privet investigator who uncovered Shasta County Superior Court case #149893 dated Oct 2004-March 2004 where Ray Dale was swindling another local JW widow out of a $100,000 deed of trust. My wife and family left me in May of 2004 two months after a court case proved Ray Dale was a swindler [yet Ray Dale remains a member in good standing]. Merton Campbell destroyed a family on purpose by concealing that court case. On Dec.26 2007 I taped court case #149893 to area church doors, on Dec. 31 the elder who was terrified of "wolves" had a heart attack. The last thing he saw was the face of my #5 son of whom was on the fire truck doing CPR, the same kid he tried to get to suck his penis when he was a child. I hunted him down thru the letters to local church internal grape vine, as being a coward. My son said he could just see terror in that elders eyes as the son of the man of whom just hunted him down is now trying to save his life. My son has seen many dead people, so he could distinguish terror apart from that of the normal terror of dying [beyond me].
In 2013 the church released its RNWT where they did a major revision of Lev.5:1. I posted on Lloyd Evans site the revision, it went three pay grades above his head, he retorted that I was flippant toward his expertise. I contacted Barbara Anderson, she did a essay entitled "Flawed Decrees Conceal Criminals". She made the application fit her agenda on the molestation issue. Never acknowledged the source of her insight into the 2013 RNWT revision.
The importance of the Sept.1 1987 Wt. article "A Time to Speak When?" was a couple of pay grades above her head. The article was a finely written piece of deception to fabricate a hunting license to ferret out the here to fore brand new enemy of true worship the "APOSTATE"!
The year is 1987. Three years after the introduction of the "obedience to the organization mantra" that started in 1984. 1975 was a real non event! The years 1980-83 were years of no direction as to the continuation of the Matt.24: 34 "generation" narrative. Tony Morris and company were no "oracle" as Fred Franz was. Types and anti types were fictional writing their minds did not have the imaginative capacity to weave a narrative that would take the pre1975 message past 1975. So in about 1983 there was a conspiracy hatched to in effect shut down the minds of their adherents, they brought into being the "obedience to the organization mantra". At that time the WTB&TS ceased from being a cracked pot religion with a faulty message of Matt. 24: 34 into being a true "snare and a racket"!
In order to enforce this here to fore "obedience to the organization mantra" a brand new enemy was invented the Apostate, see Matt.24: 48-51, "when the master delayed". Prior to the obedience to the "wicked and evil slave" birth there was no apostate category, there was no shunning! The church weaved a "snare" to entrap people with their judicial processes designed to control any descent. They use families as hostage thru the apostate policy of "shunning" to enforce compliance to their authority. Once again the article "A Time to Speak When?" was written in 1987! Lev.5:1 was twisted in order to create a Gestapo informant tool to hunt down the brand new enemy the APOSTATE! And that makes their Lev.5:1 Gestapo informant policy unique in that this policy is a engineered deception!
In 2013 they revised Lev.5:1 in their RNWT yet to this day they have cloaked that revision in silence. The answer is a real "pearl"! So the question is: If the church uses deception to fabricate a hunting license policy. What legal, moral , ethical responsibility does the church have to inform their members who are required to forfeit human life enforced by sanctions of disfellowshippment and shunning on church blood transfusion policy, that the church uses deception to fabricate policy.
How is that "pearl" going to be received by you folks? Matt 7: 6
I do a lot of writing; I write many letters fucking with the Service Depts. mind. I write hundreds of letters to the homes of publishers "grape vine" fucking with the minds of elders who were terrified by a "wolf pack" 30 years ago. I wrote to Harvard, two two Bible universities, one Rabbinical University, the AMA, etc. I wrote to the LA Times. Last week I wrote to the religious editor of the Associated Press working off of Norway de registering the church over its shunning policy and the Hamburg shooting. To be able to present to a major news organization a fabricated deception of Lev.5:1 that they can take to a Rabbi and understand this the work of wickedness designed to enslave people and the evilness of using families as hostages with church shunning policy, is to present them with the opportunity to win a Pulitzer.
Thousands of hours spent over paragraph 6 "Any witness of the wrong would know who had suffered an injustice and would have the responsibility to come forward to establish guilt. Otherwise they would have to answer for their error before Jehovah". and paragraph 7 "This command from the Highest Level of authority in the universe put the responsibility upon each Israelite to report to the judges any serious wrongdoing that he observed so that the matter might be handled.", page 13 of the Sept.1 1987 Wt. article "A Time to Speak When?".
i am not a writer, I cannot hold a candle to many of the people on this site. I am just a old truck mechanic that has the ability to see how thing connect.
Yours truly Eccl. 9:13-15