This creates a major problem for everyone, not just those who are too "old" to learn. You force everyone to get devices just so they can save money on printed copies, and expect them to print their own or use their devices to access the material. Now, suppose I can eliminate all problems that arise from learning the devices--you can learn to use them immediately, and no one is going to be left fumbling around. And I can guarantee 100% up time--not 99.9%, 100%.
You still have one whopper of a problem. You see, the washtowel is constantly harping on throwing away all your resources. You have enough for an ice cream cone, you are stealing from joke-hova. Quit your job, throw away all your funds, pious-sneer. Now, how are you supposed to afford the device? These devices cost from around 50 ice cream cones' worth up to 500--the Samsung Galaxy costs somewhere in the vicinity of 150 ice cream cones' worth. You have bills associated with these devices, usually in the form of data plans.
Now, you have the dilemma. You can save toward your device. But, every time you are getting close, they "need" more donations out of you and/or "You really ought to cut back on your secular work so you can do more field circus". So you do that, and now how are you going to acquire the device and pay for its upkeep? With what are you going to pay for your data plans, which average between 20 and 50 ice cream cones' worth per month depending on how much data you pay for? With what are you going to pay to afford apps that keep your device safe--you know, security software? When are you going to find time to run such apps, which take time to scan? Certainly not during the boasting session or while you are doing field circus.
These things take other resources, mainly time to charge batteries. Can you take a device on a 2-week Israel mission, for instance, and not have to worry about charging it? Battery life varies, but older batteries tend to need charging more than newer ones (regardless of use). It also varies according to use of the device. Use it on playing videos a lot, you are going to burn through battery life. Expect somewhere near 5 hours per charge--it depends on your device, how you use it, and the condition of the battery. Now, fine for a simple boasting session. But, are you going to be browsing videos and looking things up all day during the Grand Boasting Session? What happens if you are in Mea Shearim at 9 AM, you use the device to play videos, and it gets to 7 or 8 PM--are you going to make the distance?
Not to mention, time to figure out how to maintain the device. Even if everyone can perfectly learn, you are "stealing" time from joke-hova. A full scan takes 30 minutes or more. Charging the battery can take hours. Is that an excuse to go in at 2 or 3 PM because the battery is dying? You can put a new battery in--if you can afford one and you can take the time to do this, and perhaps reach 5 or 6 PM. Is this going to work in regular field circus? How will this work if you are in Tel Aviv on a mission, and the battery conks out at 3 PM? Or, you are at a Grand Boasting Session in a hot stadium, and the battery dies toward 2:30 PM. The policy is against plugging it into the electrical to recharge the battery, which reasonably should be done during lunch breaks.
Did anyone think of this before discontinuing printed copies that are supposedly required for salvation?