As time goes on they will get away with so much

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    When I was young we used to hear things about how they used to smoke and used to celebrate Christmas etc. we were just taught that was olden times now Jehovah has clarified things.

    But I was thinking about the poor older ones who had been in truth for decades who remembered those times, and they must have had doubts.

    Well look at the changes today in 2023.

    we are supposed to just forget about 1975 and all these other things so what about the things happening in our time that we are supposed to feget about

    we should never forget that following direction to be fully vaccinated was harmful direction

  • Vidiot

    The way I see it, as time goes on they’re getting away with less and less.


  • HiddlesWife

    When I was young we used to hear things about how they used to smoke and used to celebrate Christmas etc. we were just taught that was olden times now Jehovah has clarified things.

    These decisions were a "RUTHERFORD THING". Just like the Godforsaken/heinous Blood Ban he instituted (via a QUACK physician), he made erroneous changes from whatever Russell had established initially. It's sad that it was all a POWER PLAY and POWER STRUGGLE which ultimately affected the lives of people who thought they were in a belief system that would benefit their lives and the lives of all mankind. TTAT proved that this is all about: POWER, CONTROL, AND $$$$$$, not about/for welfare plus the well-being of humankind in general!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Don't worry.

    The internet is the great "equalizer".

    The Borg will get away with less and less

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