Anything you remember that went in org that you feel embarrassed now? I remember back in the 80s how seems like every magazine was about bashing other group's. How holy and faithful watchtower was compared to catholic church. Or when elders told from podium how God hade approved them (cause title) and rest congregation must work to be accepted also. Today I feel most embarrassed when GB give talk. Slurring, half dead. They just look like cartoon figures.
Remembering back
by Hellothere 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I guess there are many things that make me feel embarrassed for the organization and its leadership, not so much the followers. I can remember a few of the things that made me stop and think; even though I pushed those things aside at the time, they ended up having an effect in the long run.
I think the one that stuck with me the most was the admission that obedience was more important than being correct, using the example of a couple that had informed the GB of a different interpretation of some teaching. They were told that the WTS would keep the present teaching, and they discussed their view with others in the congregation, which led to them being disfellowshipped. Later, the WTS adopted the very interpretation that the couple had promoted, but the couple were not reinstated. Why? Because they had disobeyed. The article basically admitted that being right did not make a difference!
I'm sure I echoed the company line at the time, but it is difficult to try to live with honesty and dignity while accepting something like that. I wonder how many other JWs go through that, where they try to stay in line with the organization but find it harder and harder to do so, because something they do is too wrong to rationalize and ignore forever.
JW GoneBad
I remember a few years back a District Convention talk where the speaker was holding up a BlackBerry cell phone and telling the audience that this electronic device was a tool of Satan and to avoid wasting time and money on them. A year later at the Annual Meeting the Governing Body had on display on a table smart phones and every other electronic device imaginable telling the world of JWs that this was the way of the future of carrying out our door to door witnessing, etc. I remember thinking to myself...What The Hell!
JW gone bad - I can relate a very similar story to you. I remember taking a printed copy of the NWT for a talk No2. I was counselled not to do it. Skip forward a couple years and the same guy is now praising devises as a blessing from Jehovah.
Every magazine was bashing other groups
Yes, they used to particularly target the Catholic Church and its abuse of children. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
road to nowhere
Those god awful magazine covers. Fireballs, dead children, rioters. They still depict the heavy as the one with the goatee and ,( gasp) a headband.
Being part of a group that doesn't value education, knowledge, that tells you what to think, what to read and teaches doctrines you can sense are lies... And they say they are special and want people to go door-to-door spreading their lies and hurting people... I couldn't bear it. And, since I'm a teacher in this small community, this was really very embarrassing to me.
Conducting a home 'bible' study using the brown "let God be True" book, and being berated by the Baptist householder on the superior Authorities being, according to the wt doctrine, Jehovah and Jesus. then, coming home and having on my bed, in the newly arrived brown wrapper, the wt subscription (free for special pioneers).
Skimming through, finding on the last page, "question from readers" that wt had removed The Father and Son from their position in worldly government.. then,
as wt conductor having to encourage the congregation to read that magazine in full, with that "new light"
In other words. The churches, (very powerful in that territory) Babylon the Great was right all along, wt was wrong.
Had that brownity feeling, Found out since, that most of the stuff is wrong anyway. even the brown nosing in the org. up to the doctrine directors.
Yes, about speaking without thinking enough.
Yes - for parroting their narrative. I have lots of regrets.