We've just launched readJW.info and we'd value this forum member's feedback please.
Especially see what you think of our JW timeline piece..
Your Fellow Traveller
by Jake101 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We've just launched readJW.info and we'd value this forum member's feedback please.
Especially see what you think of our JW timeline piece..
Your Fellow Traveller
Nice job - looks chock full of useful info.
I'd prefer the timeline without the slide out animation personally (maybe make it optional with prefers-reduced-motion?)
While the site is certainly full of information and well designed, I'm not sure it will appeal to JWs. It seems to be a christian view of JWs, which is a bit too removed from JWs to identify with.
That being said, this is clearly the result of a great amount of work and can only applaud you for it.
Hi Stephane, agreed that most JWs wouldn’t read the site, but for those waking up and starting to read online hopefully it’s a resource.
Hopefully also for those with JW relatives it may give them useful materials to use in conversations.
Very nice site. As a Modalist Preterist Universalist believer in Christ, I am heretical in all views, but I enjoy especially the timeline as one interested in Watchtower history and errors
Awesome timeline very powerful.