Great Vid from "Faith to Faithless" U.K about leaving.
by Phizzy 2 Replies latest jw experiences
Has anyone in the UK called this number? Let us know what the organization and its services are like.
I have had no reason to use the service, but I know personally one founder member, the wonderful Terri O'Sullivan, who used to Post on here.
For decades she has helped people leaving J.W's, and then expanded to helping others leaving High Control religions, this work of hers was soon assisted by other XJW's, and eventually has become a division of Humanists U.K, and hence is under the umbrella of that esteemed Organisation.
"Faith to Faithless" is a very skilled group of fully trained people, just a phone call away, who know how to advise people on all aspects of leaving a High Control/Mind Control Group. Including the very important emotional aspects. I am sure in many instances they are a literal "Life Saver", and they can and do ease a person in to their new life of total freedom.