Whatever happened to "Big Business?"
by logansrun 5 Replies latest jw friends
Whenever I peruse some older publications, especially those written by the Judge, I notice that "Big Business" is talked about a lot more as the "third part of Satan's system." If memory serves me, the WT still holds this view. But, it never really seems to be talked about much anymore. In fact, when you think about it, the Society itself is a "big business", it being among the top 100 companies in New York city. And they own stock in "Big Business." Brothers and sisters are allowed to work, and even take an executive role in "Big Business." That's a whole lot of involvement in what the WT considers to be under direct Satanic control!
But, the view that the Devil is in control of IBM, Coca-Cola, Microsoft and all the other "Big Businesses" is not pushed that much, usually only a vague reference in some JW book on prophecy. Not so with the supposed other two "elements of Satan's empire." References to the evil world of government and the apostacy of false religion runs rampant in JW puplications and in the everyday worldview of the JWs. It's as if "Big Business" is an afterthought, rarely mentioned as being "satanic."
Why? Well, one guess I have is that this view of corporations as being under demonic influence was primarily promulgated by JF Rutherford. Again, if you read his books you will find far more reference to this strange concept. And remember, Rutherford lived in a time when many people were more than fed up with business (granted, corruption and greed were worse in the 20's, and 30's). The Great Depression engulfed the globe. It was easy for the "Judge" to promote such a hostile view of business.
But, lo and behold, times changed. Government regulation and laws against extreme abuse helped correct many of the blatent problems that were happening during Rutherford's presidency. The New Deal and the rise of labor unions helped keep in check the people's general mistrust of business. In short, viewing "Big Business" as under Satanic control was pushed into the background, somewhat. Now, it seems to be nothing more of a Rutherfordite vestige that remains part of WT dogma only because to change the idea would be unimportant.
This is just a thought...bored today!
Guest 77
It got bigger!
Guest 77
Whatever happened to "Big Business?"
The Watchtower became one...
They thought: If you can't beat them, join them!
That was a very interesting analysis. I had never thought of that before, but I think you are right on target.